meteor-up (mup) new docker image

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My applications needs graphicksmagick and phantomjs for seo to work

  1. I get a error: cfs:graphicsmagick could not find "graphicsMagic" or "imageMagic" on the system (normal it is not installed in the image by default)
  2. view-source:http://localhost/?_escaped_fragment_= has a empty body (phantomjs is installed in the image as said in the mup docs, and I have the package jazeee:spiderable-longer-timeout installed)

My question is: how do I create a docker image that will be used by default when I deploy ? Someone could point me to a tutorial ?

Responding to a comment: The command is mup deploy, the image is abernix/meteord:node-8.4.0-base

Thanks. Mickael.

        "Id": "sha256:b0d5fbc89b76a35554f29a4e04f0289f06fd7175d6960bb0a0b275397f191c35",
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        "Created": "2017-08-23T18:48:11.664860884Z",
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        "Author": "Jesse Rosenberger",
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There are 1 best solutions below


I use this image of docker for graphikcsmagick

docker: { image: 'appworkshop/meteord-graphicsmagick-pdftk-node8:node-8.8.1-base', },

source :

and id use the service with this package


for SEO cause spiderable is deprecated

PS: you can put these settings in mup to save the files out of the image and avoid losing them at each redeployment

volumes: { '/opt/exemple_path_medias':'/opt/exemple_path_medias' },