Microsoft Graph API support for applicationRefs information

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The Azure port still uses the Azure AD Graph API in some places. One thing it uses this for is to list API permissions. For this, the portal uses the REST API target GET (example shown for Office 365 Management API). I've searched and cannot seem to find a way to list similar permission sets using the Microsoft Graph API. Is there a way to access this using the Microsoft Graph API?


There are 2 best solutions below


Ok, was going to upvote one of the previous answers, but my profile is too new. :( You can do this by reading the MS Graph service principal in your tenant as described above. This PowerShell code gives an example (it's used in a command called Find-GraphPermission in the autographps and autographps-sdk modules.

Basic approach is:

  1. Get app-only permissions from the appRoles property of the servicePrincipal
  2. Get delegated permissions from the publishedPermissionScopes property
  3. Each element of appRoles has an id that can be read or written from a given appRoleAssigment object on an app's servicePrincipal in your tenant. Note that each appRole element has a value property that is the common friendly name of the app-only permission (e.g. BitlockerKey.ReadBasic.All
  4. A similar id and value pair exists for each element of publishedPermissionScopes which gives you the delegated permissions. You can use those ids with oauth2PermissionGrant objects under the segment /oauth2PermissionGrants to enumerate consent grants for a given servicePrincipal (and thus app) in your tenant or grant or remove consent

Note that the ids for both appRoles and publishedPermissionScopes are the same in all tenants, so you can actually perform this same mapping of friendly names to ids for any tenant, and use a static snapshot. This can be useful as your application may not be able to read the Microsoft Graph servicePrincipal object. If you store a static version, you'll have the mapping regardless and you'll only miss any new permissions that get added to Microsoft Graph for new APIs.

This file contains a snapshot of the MS Graph servicePrincipal as a fairly readable JSON-like PowerShell hash table:


For this requirement, you can use this microsoft graph api:<object id of the application>

It will response the result like below screenshot(please pay attention to the field requiredResourceAccess): enter image description here

The content under requiredResourceAccess is the API permissions of this application. The type scope means the permission is Delegated type and the type role means the permission is Application type.

Then please refer to steps below to know which permission does the id under resourceAccess field refer to.

  1. Copy the resourceAppId, in my screenshot is 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000. And request the graph api:$filter=appId eq '00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000'

  2. Copy one of the id under resourceAccess field in the response of first graph api. For example copy the first id a154bxxxxxxxxxxx59 in my first screenshot. And then search this id in the response of second graph api, we can find this id refer to User.Read.All permission. enter image description here