Midje print stacktrace when test fails

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I am learning Clojure, and trying to use TDD to do so *.

I use midje as a testing library. Love it so far, the expected versus actual results display is very helpfull.

But is there was a way to use clojure.tools.trace or something similar to print the trace of the first test that fails ?

*: Specifically, I remember seeing a talk by Robert C. Martin about the transformation priority premise, and I'm implementing a factorial function this way. There isn't yet much code to show though.


There are 1 best solutions below


One possibility would be writing your own emitter but that might be overkill for your specific goal.

Alternatively, you can monkey-patch the function responsible for formatting the expected values:

(require '[midje.util.exceptions :as e]
         '[midje.emission.plugins.util :as u])

(defn- format-captured-throwable
  (if (e/captured-throwable? ex)
    ;; ... adjust this to your needs ...
    (pr-str 'this-is-your-exception (e/throwable ex))))

  (fn [f]
    #(or (format-captured-throwable %) (f %))))

format-captured-throwable has to produce a string, though, meaning that directly printing the stacktrace will let it end up nowhere near midje's test report.

user=> (fact (throw (Exception. "khaaaaaaaan.")) => :not-khan)

FAIL at (form-init4689442922606051135.clj:1)
    Expected: :not-khan
      Actual: this-is-your-exception #<Exception java.lang.Exception: khaaaaaaaan.>