Minmax numbers array

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This program gets 5 numbers only from the user then Store them in an array. Get the min, max, and the average of the numbers inputted. Here's the code I made:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main()
int num[5];
int min, max=0;
int counter;
float average, total;

max = num[0];
min = num[2];

for(counter=0; counter<=4; counter++)
    printf("Enter a number: ");
    scanf("%d", &num[counter]);

        max = num[counter];

    if (num[counter]<min)
        min = num[counter];

total = max+min;
average = total/2;

printf("The maximum number is: %d\n", max);
printf("The minimum number is: %d\n", min); 
printf("The average is: %d", average);

return 0;

FInally fixed my error with the min and max and now I'm having trouble with the average. I should only get the average of the min and max numbers but it keeps on showing an average of zero. Can someone help? Thankkyouuu.


There are 4 best solutions below

//get memory address and store value in it.
void getValue(int *ptr)
    printf("Enter a number: ");
    scanf("%d", ptr);
int main()
    //initialized n=5 as per your requirement. You can even get the value at run time.
    int min, max, counter,n=5;
    int num[n];
    float average,total;
    getValue(num); //get num[0]
    min=max=total=num[0]; //Initialize min,max,total with num[0]
    for(counter=1; counter<n; counter++)
        getValue(num+counter); //get num[counter]
        num[counter]>max?max = num[counter]:max; //find max
        num[counter]<min?min = num[counter]:min; //find min
        total+=num[counter]; // total = total + num[counter]
    average = total/n; 
    printf("The maximum number is: %d\n", max);
    printf("The minimum number is: %d\n", min); 
    printf("The total is: %f\n", total); 
    printf("The average is: %f\n", average);
return 0;

Aside from your calculation of average being wrong (it's not just total/2), you need to use the correct format specifier in the printf:

printf("The average is: %g", average);

You are using %d which tells printf to expect an integer, but you're giving it a float.

  1. Your calculation of average is wrong; you need to use total/num (remember use float):

    total += num[counter];
  2. max and min were incorrectly initialized: num[0], num[2] may be anything when you initialize them.


1 Min and max should be initialized

int min = INT_MAX;
int max = INT_MIN;

2 You need to keep a running total of your numbers

int total = 0;
// inside loop
scanf("%d", &num[counter]);
total += num[counter];

3 At the end print the average, recommend going to floating point.

printf("The average is: %.1f", (double)total/counter);