The server network address TCP://XXXX(Server Name):5023 can not be reached or does not exist. Check the network address name and that the ports for the local and remote endpoints are operational. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)
II am getting the above Error while doing mirror configuration.
Below are the steps I did for the Mirroring configuration.
- Restored the fullback up to with no recovery option on secondary server.
- I tried restoring the Log backup (Error: RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally), hence I skipped the log restore.
- I tired configuring the mirroring and got the success message for mirroring configuration but when I start the mirroring my primary database shows Primary/Synchronized where as my secondary server shows in Recovery.
- When I check the Sql ports in configuration manager it shows 1433 and if I check tcp_endpoints it shows 5023.
Can you please help me to fix the Mirroring configuration.
I have tried Creating ENDPOINTS as-well and while creating PARTNER from Server A to B it is success but when i create partner from B to A it fails. I used below command:
SET PARTNER ='TCP://XXX(Ip address):5023'