Mock Angular Router with Spectator

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I am using Spectator to write my Angular 8 tests and Jest to run them. I am new to frontend unit testing, so I may have overlooked something simple; any ideas are welcome.

I have the following method (in Typescript) that returns a boolean, based on whether the current URL matches a set of paths or not (excluding queryParams and fragments):

// custom-breadcrumb.component.ts

private blacklistedPaths: string[] = [''];

constructor(private router: Router) {

hideBreadcrumb(): boolean {
    let primaryUrlSegmentGroup: UrlSegmentGroup = this.router.parseUrl(this.router.url).root.children['primary'];
    if(primaryUrlSegmentGroup == null){
        return true;
    let urlPath = UrlSegment) => segment.path).join('/');
    return this.blacklistedPaths.some((path: string) => path === urlPath);


// custom-breadcrumb.component.html

<xng-breadcrumb [hidden]="hideBreadcrumb()">
    <ng-container *xngBreadcrumbItem="let breadcrumb">

I now want to write tests with Spectator that will validate the boolean return value based on a couple of possible urls. In Java I would emulate the Router with a mock object and perform something along the lines of:


How do I create a mock for the Router? And how do I define the return values for this.router.parseUrl(this.router.url).root.children['primary']?

This is what I currently have:

// custom-breadcrumb.component.spec.ts

import {SpectatorRouting, createRoutingFactory} from '@ngneat/spectator/jest';

describe('CustomBreadcrumbComponent', () => {
    let spectator: SpectatorRouting<CustomBreadcrumbComponent>;
    const createComponent = createRoutingFactory({
        component: CustomBreadcrumbComponent,
        declarations: [
        routes: [{path: ''}]  // I don't think this works

    beforeEach(() => spectator = createComponent());

    it('hideBreadcrumb - hide on homepage', () => {
        // TODO set url path to ''

    it('hideBreadcrumb - show on a page other than homepage', () => {
        //TODO set url path to 'test' for example

I know that createRoutingFactory supplies a ActivatedRouteStub out of the box, but I haven't been able to do anything meaningful with it.

PS: I added karma as a tag as it may have the same solution, but do correct me if I am wrong.


There are 1 best solutions below


I was under the impression that spectator.router was returning me a mock, while I had to use spectator.get<Router>(Router) to get it. The other problem I had was that the hideBreadcrumb method in the html template was being loaded at component creation while I did not have the chance yet to mock the Router. This is how I solved it:

Set detectChanges to false to prevent the html template and ngOnInit from being loaded when I create the spectator component like so:

let spectator: SpectatorRouting<CustomBreadcrumbComponent>;
const createComponent = createRoutingFactory({
    detectChanges: false,
    component: CustomBreadcrumbComponent,
    declarations: [ ... ]

beforeEach(() => {
    spectator = createComponent()

Now it won't call hideBreadcrumb() yet, which allows for successful creation of the spectator.

My test is this:

it('hideBreadcrumb - hide on homepage', () => {
    let routerMock = spectator.get<Router>(Router);
    routerMock.parseUrl.andReturn({root: {children: {'primary': {segments: [{path: ''}]}}}});


I retrieve a mock from the spectator with spectator.get<Router>(Router) and I mock the return value of the parseUrl method. I now allow the html template and ngOnInit progression by setting spectator.detectChanges().