MockInteractions tap on item doesn't select the item in web component tester

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I have an element that populates a <paper-menu> with a <template dom-repeat>.

I want to test that once I add something in the <paper-menu>, I can select it and that it updates a property as expected.

<paper-menu id="customLabels" attr-for-selected="value" multi on-iron-select="updateCustomFilter" on-iron-deselect="updateCustomFilter">

  <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{customLabels}}">

    <paper-icon-item id="{{item.value}}" value$="{{item.value}}" role="menuitem">
      <iron-icon icon="label" item-icon style$="{{_setStyle(item.color)}}" invert"></iron-icon><span>{{item.value}}</span>




updateCustomFilter: function(){

  this.customFilter = this.$.customLabels.selectedValues; 'custom-filter-changed');


I can not test the behavior properly. I want to mock a tap event on an item of the menu and ensure custom-filter-changed is fired.

If I select an element with element.$'red'), the custom-filter-changed event is fired as expected.

If I select and element with MockInteractions.tap( Polymer.dom( element.root ).querySelector( 'paper-icon-item[value="red"]' ) ), the element gets taped (I hooked on-tap in the paper-item as a test) but element doesn't get selected.

I noticed that the tap event fired by MockInteractions.tap doesn't have target or srcElement and the path is different than if I actually click on the element.

I want to use MockInteractions.tap be mimic as closely as possible a real user action.

test('select custom label', function( done ){

  element.$.customLabels.addEventListener('dom-change', function( event ){

    element.addEventListener( 'custom-filter-changed', customFilterChanged );

    // MockInteractions.focus( Polymer.dom( element.root ).querySelector( 'paper-icon-item[value="red"]' ) );
    // MockInteractions.tap( Polymer.dom( element.root ).querySelector( 'paper-icon-item[value="red"]' ) );

    element.$.customLabels.removeEventListener( 'dom-change', customFilterChanged );


  // add element to the paper-menu
  element.customLabels = [{
    color: 'red',
    value: 'red'

  function customFilterChanged( event ) {

    assert.equal( element.customFilter.length, 1 );
    assert.equal( element.customFilter[0], 'red' );

    element.removeEventListener( 'custom-filter-changed', customFilterChanged );



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