Modify WSDL in soap webservice with spyne of Python

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I am developing with Django and Python , and I need publish 1 service with SOAP with 2 operations. For this task I chose the spyne library:

Because apparently is easy to understand and start to develop. I did the first example and was fine, even I developed my own method with my internal logical. Now I need develop others features most special. My current code is:

class SopoSoap(ComplexModel):
    __namespace__ = 'http://service/service.wsdl'
    _type_info = {
        "field1": Integer(min_occurs = 1),
        "field2": Integer(min_occurs = 1),
        "field3": Unicode(min_occurs = 1),
        "field4": Unicode(min_occurs = 1),
        "field5": Unicode(min_occurs = 0),

class NewIncidenceService(ServiceBase):
    @rpc(SopoSoap, _returns=Integer)
    def NewIncidence(sop):
        # my differetns operations in code
        return # integer value

application = Application([NewIncidenceService],

createSop_app = csrf_exempt(DjangoApplication(application))

With this code everything is fine and my wsdl generated is this one:

<wsdl:definitions xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:tns="http://localhost/DEMAT/DEMAT_IncidenceManagement/service.wsdl" xmlns:plink="" xmlns:xop="" xmlns:soap12env="" xmlns:senc="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:senv="" xmlns:soap12enc="" targetNamespace="http://localhost/DEMAT/DEMAT_IncidenceManagement/service.wsdl" name="Application">...</wsdl:definitions>

Now I need these changes:

First, if I try this source:

class ResponseData(ComplexModel):
    message = Unicode
    codResultado = Integer

class CreateIncidenceService(ServiceBase):
    @rpc(SopoSoap, _returns=ResponseData)
    def NewIncidence(sop):
            # operations
            return ResponseData

I never receive answer of my server (Apache with django -, what I need change the rpc decorator? the type of return, where can I find a good example of documentation for dummies?

Second. This one is very important for me, I need change the name of specific elements in the wsdl, for example:

<xs:complexType name="NewIncidenceResponse">
or this others:
<wsdl:message name="NewIncidence">
<wsdl:part name="NewIncidence" element="tns:NewIncidence"/>
<wsdl:message name="NewIncidenceResponse">
<wsdl:part name="NewIncidenceResponse" element="tns:NewIncidenceResponse"/>

The name, only the name, I suppose this should be so simple, because in Java or .net you can change the name of these parameters without problems, but with this library I don't know how can I do it?

Three, I would like return a complexType with a structure with 3 fields:

a) code b) message c) Exception: Here I don't know how can I return the exception to the wsdl.

For these 3 fields I thought in the responseData class created by me, but I can`t get return this type of data. I know I am asking 3 questions but I was reading all the documentation of spyne and I didn't find anything for my problems.


There are 1 best solutions below


First, thanks for trying Spyne out!


  1. Try

    return ResponseData(codResultado=1234, message="Hello!")
  2. Pass _out_response_name to @rpc

  3. Don't invent yours and use the built-in Fault class.

Spyne docs are bad, yes, but they aren't THAT bad. Read them :)

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