ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'backend' while running pytest

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I am trying to test Airflow DAGs, so I created testing environment, Docker container with volume and connection to PostrgeSQL container.

When container runs, installs all the packages, creates AIRFLOW_HOME temporary folder, links to the needed folders and files in volume and initializes airflow db.

After that current directory is changed to AIRFLOW_HOME and pytest is run as shown below:

pip install -r /tmp/requirements.txt


export AIRFLOW_HOME=$(mktemp -d -t airflow-XXXXXX)

mkdir -p $AIRFLOW_HOME/plugins/backend

ln -s /workspace/pipelines/airflow/dags $AIRFLOW_HOME/dags

ln -s /workspace/pipelines/airflow/plugins/backend/ $AIRFLOW_HOME/plugins/backend/

ln -s /workspace/pipelines/airflow/plugins/backend/data_catalog $AIRFLOW_HOME/plugins/backend/data_catalog

ln -s /workspace/backend/schema_catalog $AIRFLOW_HOME/plugins/backend/schema_catalog

airflow db init


pytest -s /workspace/pipelines/airflow/tests/

test_dag has some functions for db migration, data reloading to the tables, running the DAG and etc. Everything works perfectly fine.

Now I would like to put all the above preparation of airflow environment into the pytest fixture and leave only pytest running command in entrypoint script. I re-wrote everything into pytest fixture function as below:

def airflow_instance(tmp_path_factory):
    # Set the AIRFLOW_HOME environment variable to a temporary directory
    airflow_home = tmp_path_factory.mktemp('airflow')
    os.environ['AIRFLOW_HOME'] = str(airflow_home)

    # Create necessary directories and symbolic links
    backend_dir = airflow_home / 'plugins' / 'backend'

    dags_dir = airflow_home / 'dags'
    os.symlink('/workspace/pipelines/airflow/dags', str(dags_dir))

    init_py = backend_dir / ''
    os.symlink('/workspace/pipelines/airflow/plugins/backend/', str(init_py))

    data_catalog_dir = backend_dir / 'data_catalog'
    os.symlink('/workspace/pipelines/airflow/plugins/backend/data_catalog', str(data_catalog_dir))

    schema_catalog_dir = backend_dir / 'schema_catalog'
    os.symlink('/workspace/backend/schema_catalog', str(schema_catalog_dir))

    # Initialize Airflow database
    os.system('airflow db init')

    yield airflow_home

Everything seems similar to the previous shell script but test raises ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'backend'.

from backend.schema_catalog.model import citext
E   ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'backend'

/workspace/backend/migrations/versions/ ModuleNotFoundError

I have tried to change directory into AIRFLOW_HOME inside pytest script.


So the functions run from that folder same as it was done through shell script.

However, I am still getting the same error.


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