Modx xPDO getMany not returning expected results

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I'm not sure what is going on here, but I'm trying to retrieve some budgets from a modx/xpdo object and getting unexpected results. From the code below, both foreach loops return the same results [that of the first getMany call. 2 items] if I switch the order of the getmany calls I get only one result for both foreach loops.

$tipa = $this->modx->getObject('Tipa', array('id' => $id, 'token' => $token));

// should retrieve two objects
$tipa_sub_budgets = $tipa->getMany('TipaBudget', array('budget_type_id:!=' => '999'));
foreach($tipa_sub_budgets as $sb){
    echo $sb->get('id');

// should retrieve one object
$tipa_primary_budgets = $tipa->getMany('TipaBudget', array('budget_type_id' => '999'));
foreach($tipa_primary_budgets as $tb){
    echo $tb->get('id');

I'm not sure what is happening here. What is the correct way to grab 2 sets of objects from the $tipa object?


There are 1 best solutions below


I think whereas xPDO::getObject() can be passed the criteria either as an array or an instance of xPDOCriteria, xPDOObject::getMany() expects only an instance of xPDOCriteria meaning the array will not work.

Try passing an instance of xPDOCriteria like so...

$criteria = $this->modx->newQuery("TipdaBudget"); // classname, not the alias
$criteria->where(array("budget_type_id:!=" => 999));

$tipa_sub_budgets = $tipa->getMany("TipaBudget", $criteria);