I'm working with Mondrian on a columnar DB, means I have a big flat fully denormalized fact table that contains all facts and dimensions. Unfortunately, I am not able to use a aggregate table. When I collapse all dimensions in the aggregate table, Mondrian successfully recognizes the aggregate table. But when I keep e. g. the time dimension, Mondrian does not:
14:06:14,859 WARN [AggTableManager] Recognizer.checkUnusedColumns: Candidate aggregate table 'agg_days_flattened' for fact table 'flattened' has a column 'dayofMonth' with unknown usage.
14:06:14,860 WARN [AggTableManager] Recognizer.checkUnusedColumns: Candidate aggregate table 'agg_days_flattened' for fact table 'flattened' has a column 'month' with unknown usage.
14:06:14,860 WARN [AggTableManager] Recognizer.checkUnusedColumns: Candidate aggregate table 'agg_days_flattened' for fact table 'flattened' has a column 'year' with unknown usage.
Furthermore, the aggregate table is not used when I perform a corresponding MDX query. When I model the same cube with a classical star schema, everything works fine. For me, it looks like Mondrian neads "true" foreignkey/primarykey mappings to work with agggregate tables, which do not apply to my szenario (big flat fully denormalized fact table). Does anyone have an idea?