Monitor for Keypress in Menu/Picker in SwiftUI on MacOS

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I'm learning SwiftUI programming by trying to duplicate basic features in the MacOS Finder.

The groups button in the Finder window (screenshot below) has me stumped. Clicking the menu shows the group options, while option-clicking shows the sort options. I can't figure out how that's done.

enter image description here

My basic code is as follows:

Menu {
  if NSEvent.modifierFlags.contains(.option) {
    Picker(selection: viewSorts, label: EmptyView()) {
      ForEach(viewSorts) { sort in
  } else {
    Picker(selection: viewGroups, label: EmptyView()) {
      ForEach(viewGroups) { group in
} Label: {
  Image(systemName: "square.grid.3x1.below.line.grid.1x2")

It works, however NSEvent.modifierFlags.contains(.option) never evaluates to true.

This post has two examples that I used to try to fix the problem:

Using onTapGesture with EventModifiers:

@State private var showSort = false

Menu {
  if showSort {
//    ... show sort picker ...
  } else {
//    ... show group picker ...
} Label: {
  Image(systemName: "square.grid.3x1.below.line.grid.1x2")
  .gesture(TapGesture().modifiers(.option).onEnded {
    showSort = true
  .onTapGesture {
    showSort = false

And another using a CGKeyCode extension:

import CoreGraphics

extension CGKeyCode
    static let kVK_Option     : CGKeyCode = 0x3A
    static let kVK_RightOption: CGKeyCode = 0x3D
    var isPressed: Bool {
        CGEventSource.keyState(.combinedSessionState, key: self)
    static var optionKeyPressed: Bool {
        return Self.kVK_Option.isPressed || Self.kVK_RightOption.isPressed

Menu {
  if CGKeyCode.optionIsPressed {
//    ... show sort picker ...
  } else {
//    ... show group picker ...
} Label: {
  Image(systemName: "square.grid.3x1.below.line.grid.1x2")

And from these two posts (1, 2), addLocalMonitorForEvents:

@State private var showSort = false

Menu {
  if showSort {
//    ... show sort picker ...
  } else {
//    ... show group picker ...
} Label: {
  Image(systemName: "square.grid.3x1.below.line.grid.1x2")
.onAppear() {
  NSEvent.addLocalMonitorForEvents(matching: .keyDown) { (keyEvent) -> NSEvent? in
    if keyEvent.modifierFlags == .option {
        showSort = true
    } else {
        showSort = false
    return keyEvent

The answer is probably staring at me in the face, but I just can't see it! Thank you for any help!

UPDATE: onContinuousHover does work, but it only updates when the mouse is moving over the menu.

  .onContinuousHover { _ in
    showSort = NSEvent.modifierFlags.contains(.option) ? true : false

But onTapGesture doesn't work

  .onTapGesture {
    showSort = NSEvent.modifierFlags.contains(.option) ? true : false

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