MonoTouch.Dialog Unable To Bind source property

898 Views Asked by At

I keep getting following errormessage:

MvxBind:Warning: 15.51 Unable to bind: source property source not found 
Cirrious.MvvmCross.Binding.Parse.PropertyPath.PropertyTokens.MvxPropertyNamePropertyToken on null-object

Can't find the solution to this - since 3 hours now.

Thats the Viewmodel:

public class SettingsViewModel : MvxViewModel
    public SettingsViewModel()


    private bool testdata;
    public bool Testdata
        get { return testdata; }
            testdata = value; 
            RaisePropertyChanged(() => Testdata);

The View:

public class SettingsView : MvxDialogViewController
    public SettingsView()
        : base(pushing: true)


    public override void ViewDidLoad()
        var bindings = this.CreateInlineBindingTarget<SettingsViewModel>();
        Root = new RootElement("Settings"){
             new Section("General")
                 new BooleanElement("Testdata ON/OFF", true).Bind(bindings, t => t.Testdata)

The error occurs while trying to bind de booleanelement to Testdata Property.

Any help appreciated!


There are 1 best solutions below


The key part of the warning here seems to be on null-object

By default, MvvmCross Views find their ViewModels during ViewDidLoad() - so a solution to you current problem might be to call base.ViewDidLoad():

public override void ViewDidLoad()

    // the rest of your Load code