Moroccan License Plate Recognition (LPR) using OPENALPR, OpenCV and Tesseract

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I work currently on my project of end of study: the title of my project is "the detection in real time of the Moroccan license plates of vehicles ( ALPR )", I tried to post this my issue in group ALPR unfortunately ,i received no reply . i decide to contact you when i see your video in youtube,I want to inform you that I have many problem with Moroccan license plates. this is an example of Moroccan license plates: Morrocan alpr

i tried to use OPENALPR : When I run the command line " alpr lprmr.jpg" it give me this result :

plate0: 8 results - 4316 confidence: 83.3094 - 43I6 confidence: 76.1957 - 431B confidence: 68.5094 - 431G confidence: 67.8764 - 431S confidence: 64.9272 - 43IB confidence: 61.3957 - 43IG confidence: 60.7626 - 43IS confidence: 57.8135

Like you see tesseract fail because of the vertical lines and Arabic characters. However, i can use OpenCV's connected components functions to split the image into 3 sections. The first and third sections will work fine with tesseract. For the Arabic characters, i can build a neural network to classify them if you've enough dataset. To get the full number plate, and I will have to concatenate the 3 sections. for do that i think i should modify the code : /openalpr/src/openalpr/ocr/segmentation/charactersegmenter.cpp

The Question is how can be modify this code and detect the full Moroccan Plate ??

Edit: The Arabic letters we use in Morocco are : أ ب ت ج ح د هـ The expected result is : 77143 د 6 دThe vertical lines are irrelevant, I have to use them to separate the image and read data separately. Thanks in Advance


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