Moskito integration is not working as part of non maven project

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Im working on Moskito integration with a web app (non maven project).


  • Maven Project No Issue:(its working good)

** Im using annotation (AOP) to monitor a class/method. here when i add annotation on class/method level and compile a .java file it generates two .class files example.. i have a class called here if i keep @Monitor annotation and compile it generates two classes one is normal Order.class and other one is Order$Clause1.class
since i have added below plugin on pom.xml so its generationg additional .class files


BUT **

  • Non Maven Project having Issue:

** in non maven project the additional Order$Clause1.class is not generated on /classes folder. due to that im not able to monitor those class/methods on moskito application. (even i have added AJDT plugin also on Eclipse and added all required jars as well. app runs good on moskito but only class/methods are not monitored on moskito) How to do it/ generate additional .class files for moskito on a normal poject(non maven) ? your ideas helps me, thank you.


There are 1 best solutions below


Issue got resolved, by making maven project convert to aspectJ project and then add moskito-aop jar to aspectJ compiler classpath. done