MPI_Test isn't picking up a completed MPI_Send

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I've spent three days looking for an answer so I hope you'll bear with me if this has already been addressed and I've been mighty unlucky finding a solution. I'm using Fortran (eugh!) but this is a generic MPI query.

Scenario (simplified for this example):

  • Processes 0 and 1 communicate with process 2 (but not with each other)
  • 0 & 1 do lots of sends/receives
  • 2 does lots of receives/process/sends (but each pair is done twice so as to pick up both 0 & 1)
  • 0 & 1 will eventually stop - I know not when! - so I do an MPI_Send from each when appropriate using the rank of the 3rd process (filter_rank_id=2) and a special tag (c_tag_open_rcv=200), with a logical TRUE in the buffer (end_of_run). Like this:

CALL MPI_SEND(end_of_run, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, filter_rank_id, c_tag_open_rcv, mpi_coupling_comms, mpi_err)

The problem arises in process 2... it's busy doing its MPI_Recv/MPI_Send pairs and I cannot break out of it. I have set up a non-blocking receive for each of the other two processes and stored the request handles:

    DO model_rank_id= 0, 1
        !Set up a non-blocking receive to get notification of end of model run for each model
        end_run = end_model_runs(model_rank_id) !this is an array of booleans initialised to FALSE
        CALL MPI_IRECV(end_run, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, model_rank_id, &
                       c_tag_open_rcv, coupling_comms, mpi_request_handle, mpi_err)
        !store the handle in an array
        request_handles(model_rank_id) = mpi_request_handle                
    END DO

where model_rank_id is the process number in the MPI communicator i.e. 0 or 1.

Later on, busy doing all those receive/send pairs, I always check whether anything's arrived in the buffer:

    DO model_rank_id= 0, 1
        IF (end_model_runs(model_rank_id) .EQV. .FALSE.) THEN
            CALL MPI_TEST(request_handles(model_rank_id), run_complete, mpi_status, mpi_err)
            IF (run_complete .eqv. .FALSE.) THEN
                !do stuff... receive/process/send
                !run is complete
                !___________removed this as I realised it was incorrect__________
                !get the stop flag for the specific process
                CALL MPI_RECV(end_run, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, model_rank_id, &
                                    c_tag_open_rcv, coupling_comms, mpi_err)
                !store the stop flag so I can do a logical 'AND' on it and break out when
                !both processes have sent their message
                end_model_runs(model_rank_id) = end_run
            END IF
        END IF
    END DO

Note that this snippet is contained in a loop which carries on until all the stop flags are TRUE.

I know it's fairly complex, but this can't be that hard, can it? If anyone can see the error that'd be fantastic, or even suggest a better way to do it.

Huge thanks in advance.


There are 2 best solutions below


Your program is probably stuck in the MPI_RECV call. The reason is that having a positive completion flag as returned by MPI_TEST means that MPI_IRECV has received the message. Unless the sender sends another message with the same tag, MPI_RECV will simply block and wait, in your case probably indefinitely. Apart from that, you are issuing two MPI_IRECV calls with the same receive buffer which is probably not what you really want to do since end_run = end_model_runs(model_rank_id) does not copy the address of the array element into end_run but rather its value.

Your code should look like this:

DO model_rank_id= 0, 1
    !Set up a non-blocking receive to get notification of end of model run for each model
    CALL MPI_IRECV(end_model_runs(model_rank_id), 1, MPI_LOGICAL, model_rank_id, &
                   c_tag_open_rcv, coupling_comms, request_handle, ierr)
    !store the handle in an array
    request_handles(model_rank_id) = request_handle                


DO model_rank_id= 0, 1
    IF (end_model_runs(model_rank_id) .EQV. .FALSE.) THEN
        CALL MPI_TEST(request_handles(model_rank_id), run_complete, status, ierr)
        IF (run_complete .eqv. .FALSE.) THEN
            !do stuff... receive/process/send
            !run is complete
            !the stop flag is ALREADY in end_model_runs(model_rank_id)
            !do a logical 'AND' on it and break out when
        END IF
    END IF

As a side note, using your own identifiers that start with mpi_ is a terrible idea since those might clash with symbols provided by the MPI library. You should really treat mpi_ as a reserved prefix and never use it while naming your own variables, subroutines, etc. I've fixed that for you in the code above.


I solved this eventually after a lot of experimentation, it was actually quite simple (isn't it always?)

The problem was due to the fact that processes 0 & 1 could end and post their "I'm finished" messages OK, but process 2 was in such a tight loop doing the test and recv/send pair (the outer loops on both sets of send/recv's omitted for clarity in original past), that the test would fail and the process would stick in the blocking MPI_RECV.

First I tried a sleep(3) which made it work, but it couldn't sleep on every loop without really bad effects on perfomance, then I tried an MPI_IPROBE but hit the same problem as the test. In the end, a timeout around the MPI_IPROBE did the trick, thus:

        DO iter1 = 1, num_models

            !Test each model in turn and ensure we do the comms until it has finished
            IF (end_model_runs(iter1) .EQV. .FALSE.) THEN                        
                model_rank_id= models(iter1)
                now = TIME()
                DO WHILE (TIME() .LT. now + timeout)
                    msg_flag = .FALSE.
                    CALL MPI_IPROBE(model_rank_id, c_tag, coupling_comms, &
                                msg_flag, empi_status, empi_err)
                    IF (msg_flag .EQV. .TRUE.) THEN
                        !Message waiting
                    END IF
                END DO

                IF (msg_flag .EQV. .TRUE.) THEN
                    CALL MPI_RECV(state_vector, num_state_params, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
                                  model_rank_id, c_tag, coupling_comms, empi_status, empi_err)
                ELSE !no message waiting, flag should be False, i.e. the run *has* finished
                    end_model_runs(iter1) = .NOT. msg_flag
                END IF
            END IF
        END DO

and this code inside a loop which breaks once all the members of end_model_runs are TRUE.

I hope this helps someone else - and saves them three days of effort!