Multithread proccesing events from epoll_wait with coroutines

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I have such io context class:

    class IOContext
        explicit IOContext(uint32_t eventPoolCount);

        IOContext(IOContext&) = delete;
        IOContext& operator=(IOContext&) = delete;
        IOContext(IOContext&&) = delete;
        IOContext& operator=(IOContext&&) = delete;

        void processAwaitingEvents(int timeout);

        void scheduleOperation(std::derived_from<IOOperation> auto& operation)
            // ok?
            if(0 == epoll_ctl(this->epollFD, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, operation.fd, &operation.settings))

            if(errno == EEXIST)
                // re-init event
                if(0 == epoll_ctl(this->epollFD, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, operation.fd, &operation.settings))

            throw std::system_error{errno, std::system_category(), strerror(errno)};

        tinycoro::Generator<IOOperation::CoroHandle> yieldAwaitingEvents(int timeout);

        std::unique_ptr<epoll_event[]> eventsList;
        const uint32_t eventPoolCount;
        int epollFD = -1;

    //. //constructor, destructor
    void IOContext::processAwaitingEvents(int timeout)
        for(auto& event : this->yieldAwaitingEvents(timeout))

    tinycoro::Generator<IOOperation::CoroHandle> IOContext::yieldAwaitingEvents(int timeout)
        int eventCount = epoll_wait(this->epollFD, eventsList.get(), this->eventPoolCount, timeout);
        if(eventCount == -1)
            throw std::system_error{errno, std::system_category(), strerror(errno)};

        for(int i = 0; i < eventCount; ++i)
            co_yield std::coroutine_handle<IOOperation>::from_address(eventsList[i].data.ptr);

and I want to enable multi-threaded processing for io events (IOOperation is the base class, which contains fd), so when some events are ready, first from N thread will get them and process them. So, I think that i could move eventsList to cpp as thread_local variable, like this:

    //. //constructor, destructor
    void IOContext::processAwaitingEvents(int timeout)
        for(auto& event : this->yieldAwaitingEvents(timeout))

    tinycoro::Generator<IOOperation::CoroHandle> IOContext::yieldAwaitingEvents(int timeout)
        thread_local std::unique_ptr<epoll_event[]> eventsList = std::make_unique<epoll_event[]>(this->eventPollCount);
        int eventCount = epoll_wait(this->epollFD, eventsList.get(), this->eventPoolCount, timeout);
        if(eventCount == -1)
            throw std::system_error{errno, std::system_category(), strerror(errno)};

        for(int i = 0; i < eventCount; ++i)
            co_yield std::coroutine_handle<IOOperation>::from_address(eventsList[i].data.ptr);

But I'm not sure it's good idea, ie if this solution is safe (I do some tests, everything was OK, but despite this, I have doubts).
I could make yieldAwaitingEvents as a public function, but I don't think that giving raw coroutine handle is good idea...

EDIT: I change a little bit code - initializing of thread_local variable was moved to yieldAwaitingEvents function


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