Nanoframework on ESP32 debug using JTAG

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I'm testing out nanoframework for ESP32 and I've hit a snag.

The ESP32 is mounted on a custom board for an existing product so I need to debug it with an Olimex or a Segger JTAG debugger.

I've been looking for some guide on how to setup this. The only clue I've found so far is a note on that says

If you want to debug the nanoCLR code on the ESP32 chip you'll need an JTAG debugging adapter. ESP32 WROVER KIT already includes one. For other boards you can use the Olimex ARM-USB-OCD-H JTAG debugging adapter or a Segger JLink. There are preset configurations for these adapters.

No further text about those preset configurations.

I've found lots of guides on how to setup it manually it with the ESP-IDF framework, but I don't see how that can work for nanoframework. Today I'm running an application where I use VisualGDB to setup the environment and debug and that's working great, but once again, no nanoframework.

I'm not used to working with .NET, normally being an embedded C developer, so perhaps I'm missing something so basic that guides don't even mention it.

Anyone know of any good guides?


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I wasn't sure if you're looking to debug the native code (the CLR and execution engine) or the .NET C# code that you'll deploy on the board... If it's the later then you don't need any JTAG nor any fancy connection, just a plain COM port.