NDEFReader.write ignoring the abort signal

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I'm trying to create a simple web page that can read and write NFC tags. I also would like to have the functionality to cancel the write operation if need be. so I was following the examples here and here. however, I ran into a problem where the abort signal is being ignored. this simple code can demonstrate the problem:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">

        let data;
        let reset_controller = new AbortController();
        let ndef;

        try {
            ndef = new window.NDEFReader();

            ndef.addEventListener("readingerror", async () => {
                log_error('Cannot read data from the NFC tag.');

            ndef.addEventListener("reading", async ({message, serialNumber}) => {
                data = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(message.records[0].data.buffer);
        } catch (error) {

        function draw_info() {
            document.getElementById('data').innerHTML = `data is: ${data}`;

        function reset() {
            document.getElementById('data').innerHTML = '';

        async function read_data() {
            data = await ndef.scan();

        async function write_data() {
            console.log('stating write')
            try {
                await ndef.write("some data", {
                    AbortSignal: reset_controller.signal
            } catch (e) {

<button onclick="read_data()">Read</button>
<button onclick="write_data()">Write</button>
<button onclick="reset()">Rest</button>
<p id="data">data is: </p>

to repeat the problem:

1- click on the write button.

2- click on reset to cancel the write.

  1. approach a tag.

the tag now contains the string 'some data' where it shouldn't


There are 2 best solutions below


ok, I have found the problem.

when we pass the options object to the write function, the abort signal should be placed at 'signal' attribute not 'AbortSignal'


Indeed. The key for the options dictionary should be signal, not AbortSignal. See code samples at https://web.dev/nfc/#abort-nfc-operations

const abortController = new AbortController();
abortController.signal.onabort = event => {
  // All NFC operations have been aborted.

const ndef = new NDEFReader();
await ndef.scan({ signal: abortController.signal });

await ndef.write("Hello world", { signal: abortController.signal });

document.querySelector("#abortButton").onclick = event => {