Nearby Location Serach based on zip code from database PHP

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I have a table which searches the theaters from database based on zip code, currently i have used this query to sort results, but i want the exact matched location first and then nearby location in while loop Is there any way, i have searched but all are showing that we need latitude and longitude to perform this search , but for now i haven't stored such info in database. Please advice.

  $zip_get= trim($_GET['zip']);
    $zip_three=substr($zip_get, 0, 3);

  $theatre_query= mysql_query("select * from (Select *,(CASE WHEN zip = '$zip_get' THEN 2 ELSE 0 END + CASE WHEN zip < $zip_get  THEN 1  ELSE 0 END )  as nummatches  from theatre )  where nummatches>0 and campaign='$camp' and zip LIKE '".$zip_three."%' order by nummatches desc, zip desc");

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