Need help understanding why Clojure spec test/check is failing the return validation when REPL doesn't fail

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I've been playing around with Clojure Spec for testing and data generation and am seeing some strange behavior where the function works in unit tests and validation works in REPL but the generative testing with spec.test/check is failing.

I've created a set of specs like so:

(s/def ::significant-string (s/with-gen 
                              (s/and string? #(not (nil? %)))
                              (fn [] (gen/such-that #(not= % "")

(s/def ::byte-stream 
  (s/with-gen #(instance? %)
   (gen/fmap #(string->stream %) (gen/string-alphanumeric))))

(s/fdef string->stream
  :args (s/cat :s ::significant-string)
  :ret ::byte-stream
  :fn #(instance? %))

And the fn implementation:

  (defn string->stream
  "Given a string, return a"
  ([s] {:pre [(s/valid? ::significant-string s)]
        :post [(s/valid? ::byte-stream %)]}
       (string->stream s "UTF-8"))
  ([s encoding]
   (-> s
       (.getBytes encoding)

And in REPL I see what I expect to see from both generation and testing of the specs:

=> (instance? (string->stream "test"))

=> (s/valid? ::byte-stream (string->stream "0"))

=> (s/exercise-fn 'calais-response-processor.rdf-core/string->stream)
([("Y") #object[ 0x57210dd7 ""]] [("d") #object[ 0x7ec14113 ""]] [("5") #object[ 0x1e85195b ""]] [("9c") #object[ 0x3769ddef ""]] [("P0N") #object[ 0x68793160 ""]] [("7tvN1") #object[ 0x1cc43ca5 ""]] [("LjH4U") #object[ 0x2a3da1a7 ""]] [("W") #object[ 0x534287aa ""]] [("x867VLr") #object[ 0x72915e93 ""]] [("moucN3vr") #object[ 0x4f0d7570 ""]])

But I don't understand why I'm seeing this from the test/check:

(stest/check 'calais-response-processor.rdf-core/string->stream)
    ({:spec #object[clojure.spec.alpha$fspec_impl$reify__2451 0x1acb0d46 "clojure.spec.alpha$fspec_impl$reify__2451@1acb0d46"], :clojure.spec.test.check/ret {:shrunk {:total-nodes-visited 4, :depth 3, :pass? false, :result #error {
     :cause "Specification-based check failed"
     :data {:clojure.spec.alpha/problems [{:path [:fn], :pred (clojure.core/fn [%] (clojure.core/instance? %)), :val {:args {:s "0"}, :ret #object[ 0x7bee9d86 ""]}, :via [], :in []}], :clojure.spec.alpha/spec #object[clojure.spec.alpha$spec_impl$reify__1987 0x16a19b4c "clojure.spec.alpha$spec_impl$reify__1987@16a19b4c"], :clojure.spec.alpha/value {:args {:s "0"}, :ret #object[ 0x7bee9d86 ""]}, :clojure.spec.test.alpha/args ("0"), :clojure.spec.test.alpha/val {:args {:s "0"}, :ret #object[ 0x7bee9d86 ""]}, :clojure.spec.alpha/failure :check-failed}
     [{:type clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
       :message "Specification-based check failed"
       :data {:clojure.spec.alpha/problems [{:path [:fn], :pred (clojure.core/fn [%] (clojure.core/instance? %)), :val {:args {:s "0"}, :ret #object[ 0x7bee9d86 ""]}, :via [], :in []}], :clojure.spec.alpha/spec #object[clojure.spec.alpha$spec_impl$reify__1987 0x16a19b4c "clojure.spec.alpha$spec_impl$reify__1987@16a19b4c"], :clojure.spec.alpha/value {:args {:s "0"}, :ret #object[ 0x7bee9d86 ""]}, :clojure.spec.test.alpha/args ("0"), :clojure.spec.test.alpha/val {:args {:s "0"}, :ret #object[ 0x7bee9d86 ""]}, :clojure.spec.alpha/failure :check-failed}
       :at [clojure.core$ex_info invokeStatic "core.clj" 4739]}]
     [[clojure.core$ex_info invokeStatic "core.clj" 4739]
      [clojure.core$ex_info invoke "core.clj" 4739]
      ...(lots more)

It feels like it's related to the generator fn composition although returned object looks "ok" to me right now.


There are 1 best solutions below

:fn #(instance? %))

The problem is it looks like that :fn spec expects only the function return value, when it's actually being invoked with a map containing the input and return values. Try this version instead:

:fn (fn [{:keys [args ret]}]
      (instance? ret))

The :fn spec should be a function that takes a map containing the function's input :args and output :ret value. It's meant to compare the function's output relative to its input.

In this example, the :fn spec seems to be making the same assertion as your :ret spec, and it doesn't look at the :args so you may not want a :fn spec here if there's no meaningful assertion to make between input/output — this would only assert the return value, redundantly.

And in REPL I see what I expect to see from both generation and testing of the specs

The reason you're only seeing the failure with check is because none of those other calls are considering your function's :fn spec e.g. s/exercise-fn doesn't consider the :fn spec.

I made some examples using :fn specs here.