Need to convert a query into Eloquent Model laravel

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I have a query of MySQL but I need to convert it into an eloquent model laravel 8. The query is given below,

$query = "SELECT  group_id FROM `chat_histories` join chat_group on = chat_histories.group_id where chat_group.is_group = 1 and chat_histories.created_at BETWEEN '$startDate' and '$endDate' and chat_histories.deleted_at is null group by group_id";
$query = "select count(group_id) as total_chat_thread from ($query) total_chat";

So far i have done this,

ChatHistory::leftJoin('chat_group', '', '=', 'chat_histories.group_id')
        ->selectRaw('count(*) as totals')
        ->where('chat_group.is_group', 1)
        ->whereBetween('chat_histories.created_at', [$startDate, $endDate])

But this returns a list, but I need that count of the list. That means it's showing 22 rows, I need that 22 as return.

My Model ChatHistory relation with ChatGroup

 public function chatGroup() {
    return $this->belongsTo(ChatGroup::class, 'group_id', 'id');

My Model ChatGroup relation with ChatHistory

public function chatHistory() {
    return $this->hasMany(ChatHistory::class,'group_id','id');

Please help to convert it into an eloquent model query Thanks in advance.


There are 2 best solutions below


If you have the model Group with a relation history hasMany. it should be like this.

$groupCount = ChatGroup::whereHas('chatHistory', function ($historyQB) use($startDate,$endDate)  {
    $historyQB->whereBetween('created_at', [$startDate, $endDate])

You dont need the whereNull, if the model ChatHistory has softDelete enabled.


Maybe you should consider using Models, it would be much easier/cleaner

Something like that should work

DB::table('chat_histories')->select('group_id')->join('chat_group', '', 'chat_histories.group_id')->where('chat_groups.is_group', 1)->whereBetween('chat_histories.created_at', $startDate, $endDate)->whereNull('chat_histories.deleted_at')->groupBy('group_id')->count();