Need WordPress Archive to display in a certain format

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my WordPress blog currently shows archives in a month by month format. Like this:

November 2014
October 2014
September 2014
August 2014
July 2014
June 2014
May 2014
and so on

I need it to display in such a way that the current year shows all months, but for all the years before that, it only shows the "Year". Something like this:

November 2014
October 2014
September 2014
February 2014
January 2014

Can someone please guide me on this? The current code in my blog's sidebar goes like this:

<?php /* If this is a category archive */ if ( is_category(0) || in_category(0)) { ?>
<?php ?><ul>
$querystr = "SELECT YEAR(post_date) AS 'year', MONTH(post_date) AS 'month' , count(ID) as posts FROM $wpdb->posts INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships ON($wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->term_relationships.object_id) INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy ON($wpdb->term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = $wpdb->term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id) WHERE $wpdb->term_taxonomy.term_id != 12 AND $wpdb->term_taxonomy.parent != 12 AND $wpdb->term_taxonomy.taxonomy = 'category' AND $wpdb->term_taxonomy.term_id =8 AND $wpdb->posts.post_status = 'publish' AND $wpdb->posts.post_type = 'post' GROUP BY YEAR(post_date), MONTH(post_date) ORDER BY post_date DESC";

$years = $wpdb->get_results($querystr);

foreach ( (array) $years as $year ) {
    $url = get_month_link($year->year, $year->month );
    $url = $url.'?cat=8';
    $date = mysql2date('F o', $year->year.'-'.$year->month, $translate = true);
    echo get_archives_link($url, $date, 'html','<li>','</li>');


<?php } else { ?>
            <?php wp_get_archives('type=monthly');?>

<?php } ?>


                           <div class="archive-bottom"></div>
                <!--    <div class="clear"></div>-->
 <?php } ?>                   


There are 1 best solutions below


You're currently using nothing other than wp_get_archives('type=monthly'), which is obviously causing the issue. You should have a look at the wp_get_archives() docs in the Codex.

The following is a sample solution, but will likely need a bit of work (it assumes you're posting every month this year, as shown in your post). It hasn't been tested, so use at your own risk.

// Get the current month number
$current_month = date('n');

// Show the archives for the current year, by month, 
// by limiting the returned archives to the current month number
$args = array(
    'limit' => $current_month
wp_get_archives( $args );

// Awesome, now let's get the previous years, but leave off this year
$yearly_archives = wp_get_archives('type=yearly&echo=0'); 
// Split the returned archives at this year...
$old_archives = explode('</li>', $yearly_archives, 2);
// And only echo list items that don't include this year.
echo $old_archives[1];