Neo4j - encountering FetchURLError whenever using any query with GET or POST

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I am using Neo4j Desktop application and trying a cypher query to export RDF. I am using the default available load-movie.cypher data in local DB as a trial but everytime I run the query it gives FetchURLError so I dont know what I am doing wrong.Also to add that all other match queries are working fine. Here is the query that I tried:-

:POST /rdf/neo4j/cypher 
         "MATCH g = (:Person {name: 'Keanu Reeves'})-->(:Movie { title: 'The Matrix'}) 
          RETURN g", 
 "format" : "RDF/XML"}

Then I tried a simple GET query :-

:GET /rdf/neo4j/describe/11

But the response is always:

 FetchURLError - Could not fetch URL: "Failed to fetch". 

This could be due to the remote server policy. See your web browsers error console for more information.

Need some help in resolving the issue.


There are 1 best solutions below


I recently ran into the same problem and for me it worked by writing the full URL. E.g.:

:GET http://localhost:7474/rdf/neo4j/describe/11