Nested Python libraries

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I am getting started with Bazel, and I am looking towards a Python monorepo. I would like to have, say, a subtree with "projects", that is something that can be deployed or run, and a subtree with libraries. In that libraries subtree I would like to have subject-related subtrees, for example:

  +- libraries
  |  +- django
  |  |  +- view  # stuff related to views
  |  |  +- model # stuff related to models
  |  +- database
  |     +- something_related_to_databases
  +- projects

But reading the documentation, I can't quite figure out what the best way to do this is. Should I have separate workspaces for libraries and projects? Should I have just BUILD.bazel files there? If so, what should be in those build files? Or should I have a build file in my root (my_workspace) declaring each of my libraries and projects? Is this monorepo structure correct or wrong? Where can I find out more?

UPD: The thing that was not obvious to me was that you can have empty build files in your nested folders.


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