NestJS Gateways: path with slugs

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I am trying to create a websockets gateway in NestJS that responds to multiple paths. This is a requirement as what I am trying to build would replace an existing system. I am using WsAdapter as the underlying adapter for this.

The websockets paths could be expressed with slugs (e.g. /ws/:key) or regular expressions. The WebSocketGateway decorator, however, only accepts a single string and does not recognize slugs as such.

import { OnGatewayInit, SubscribeMessage, WebSocketGateway } from '@nestjs/websockets';
import { Logger } from '@nestjs/common';

@WebSocketGateway({path: '/ws/:key'})  // FIXME: ":key" should be treated as a slug here
export class ManagementGateway implements OnGatewayInit {
  private readonly logger = new Logger(, false);

  afterInit(server: any): any {
    this.logger.debug('Websockets gateway initialized');

  handle(client: any, data: unknown): void {
    // TODO

The previous legacy implementation I am replacing does this with ws, express and regexp-based path matching.

Any hints or pointers would be greatly appreciated.


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