NestJs - How to use the same schema & collection for different connections?

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I need to establish two different connections to the same mongodb, but with different connection options (poolSize, readPreference, etc.) of course with different connectionName. The MongooseModules are imported in the AppModule

  imports: [CustomMongooseDynamicModule, CustomSlavegooseDynamicModule, ...],
export class AppModule {}

Then in some other module I would like to use the same schema/model for each of these connections - note that collection names are the same, connection names are different

  imports: [
    MongooseModule.forFeature([{ name: "ABC", schema: AbcSchema }], "main"),
    MongooseModule.forFeature([{ name: "ABC", schema: AbcSchema }], "slave"),
  controllers: [SomeController],
  providers: [SomeService]
export class SomeModule {}

The question is - how can I inject the model into the SomeService for 'main' & 'slave' connection separately?

@InjectModel('ABC') private readonly abcModel: Model<AbcDocument>,
@InjectModel('ABC') private readonly abcSlaveModel: Model<AbcDocument>, ???

There are 1 best solutions below


You can see the second parameter connectionName if you look at the @InjectModel decorator declaration.

export declare const InjectModel: (model: string, connectionName?: string | undefined) => (target: object, key: string | symbol, index?: number | undefined) => void;

So you need to pass the connection name as the second parameter.

@InjectModel('ABC', 'main') private readonly abcModel: Model<AbcDocument>,
@InjectModel('ABC', 'slave') private readonly abcSlaveModel: Model<AbcDocument>, ???