Nethereum - the method eth_feeHistory does not exist or is not available

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I have a function that "write" on the blockchain (private network on a virtual machine), using Nethereum. I was forced to upgrade from version 3.8.0 to version 4.5.0 Before the update everything was working fine, but now, when i call the SendTransactionAndWaitForReceiptAsync function, the following exception is raised.

Nethereum.JsonRpc.Client.RpcResponseException: the method eth_feeHistory does not exist/is not available: eth_feeHistory
   at Nethereum.JsonRpc.Client.ClientBase.HandleRpcError(RpcResponseMessage response, String reqMsg)
   at Nethereum.JsonRpc.Client.ClientBase.SendInnerRequestAsync[T](RpcRequestMessage reqMsg, String route)
   at Nethereum.JsonRpc.Client.ClientBase.SendRequestAsync[T](RpcRequest request, String route)
   at Nethereum.RPC.Fee1559Suggestions.TimePreferenceFeeSuggestionStrategy.SuggestFeesAsync()
   at Nethereum.RPC.Fee1559Suggestions.TimePreferenceFeeSuggestionStrategy.SuggestFeeAsync(Nullable`1 maxPriorityFeePerGas)
   at Nethereum.RPC.TransactionManagers.TransactionManagerBase.SetTransactionFeesOrPricingAsync(TransactionInput transaction)
   at Nethereum.Web3.Accounts.AccountSignerTransactionManager.SignTransactionRetrievingNextNonceAsync(TransactionInput transaction)
   at Nethereum.Web3.Accounts.AccountSignerTransactionManager.SignAndSendTransactionAsync(TransactionInput transaction)
   at Nethereum.RPC.TransactionReceipts.TransactionReceiptPollingService.SendRequestAndWaitForReceiptAsync(Func`1 transactionFunction, CancellationTokenSource tokenSource)
   at Project.BlockchainAdapter.BlockchainInteractionAdapter.Write(String privateKey, String contractAddress, String url, String smartContractLocation, String functionName, Object[] inputParameters, Int32 transactionValue, Int32 chainId)

That is the code:

public void Write(
      string privateKey,
      string contractAddress,
      string url,
      string smartContractLocation,
      string functionName,
      object[] inputParameters,
      int transactionValue = 0,
      int chainId = (int)Nethereum.Signer.Chain.Ropsten)
      var function = GetEthFunction(privateKey, contractAddress, url, smartContractLocation, functionName, out Account account, chainId);

      var _transactionValue = new HexBigInteger(new BigInteger(transactionValue));
      var _estimatedGas = new HexBigInteger(new BigInteger(35000));
        _estimatedGas = function.EstimateGasAsync(
            new HexBigInteger(new BigInteger(transactionValue)),
            new HexBigInteger(new BigInteger(transactionValue)),
        // Intentionally left blank

      var receipt = function.SendTransactionAndWaitForReceiptAsync(
      if (!receipt.Status.Value.Equals(1))
        throw new OperationCanceledException($"Unable to complete transaction. Transaction hash: {receipt.TransactionHash}.");

private Function GetEthFunction(string privateKey,
      string contractAddress, string url, string smartContractLocation, string functionName, out Account account,
      int chainId)
      account = new Account(privateKey, chainId);
      var web3 = new Web3(account, url);

      string abi = null;
      using (StreamReader file = File.OpenText($@"{smartContractLocation}"))
        abi = file.ReadToEnd();
      var contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(abi, contractAddress);
      return contract.GetFunction(functionName);

How can I fix this? Thank you.


There are 3 best solutions below


A solution that worked for me is to disable EIP1559 transactions. This is very useful if you're using a non EIP1559 enabled chain, most notably BSC. Here is the code to do that:

Web3.TransactionManager.UseLegacyAsDefault = true;

Hope this helps anyone in the future with the same issue. (please note that the web3 class must be instanced here and is not static)


In Nethereum version 4.5, the logic of the method SendTransactionAndWaitForReceiptAsync has changed from the one implemented in 3.8.0. So, I had to use another function override.

public void Write(...)
      var transactionInput = new TransactionInput
        From = account.Address,
        Gas = _estimatedGas,
        MaxPriorityFeePerGas = null,
        GasPrice = _transactionValue,
        Type = null
      var receipt = function.SendTransactionAndWaitForReceiptAsync(transactionInput, null, inputParameters).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

In this way, it will work exactly as the 3.8.0 of Nethereum.


just use this code and should works web3.TransactionManager.UseLegacyAsDefault = true;