NetSuite - Suitescript 1.0

1.6k Views Asked by At

how to set fields on customer record in before Load event , on before submit event and on after submit event? i am trying to create a message record and check this code.

if (type == 'create')
        var custRecord = nlapiGetNewRecord();
        if(custRecord.getFieldValue('salesrep') != null)
            var message = nlapiCreateRecord("message");
            var today = new Date();
            var tomorrow = nlapiAddDays(today, 1);
            message.setFieldValue('startdate', nlapiDateToString(tomorrow));
                var callId = nlapiSubmitRecord(message, true);
                nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'message record created successfully', 'ID = ' + messageId);
            catch (e)
                nlapiLogExecution('ERROR', e.getcode(), e.getDetails());

why don't i get the message field in my customer record?


There are 2 best solutions below


I don't realy understand what you want to do :). you set fields with empty values.... anyway to create a messege in NS1.0. you need this :

var message = nlapiCreateRecord("message");

/** mandatory fields */
message.setFieldValue('subject', "message title");
message.setFieldValue('message', "message body");
/** /mandatory fields */

/** attach the msg to a record, transaction */

/** customers, prospects, etc */
message.setFieldValue('entity', "entityInternalID"); 

/** sales orders, invoices, etc */
message.setFieldValue('transaction', "transactionInternalID");

/** cases */
message.setFieldValue('activity', "caseInternalId");

/** /attach the msg to a record, transaction */

/** save the msg */
var msgId = nlapiSubmitRecord(message, true);

First, let us know what kind of script you are creating? Is it a userevent or client script? Anyway, since you have mentioned that you want it to run in 3 specific context I'm assuming it is a userevent script. I highly discouraged using 1.0 if you're developing a Netsuite script. It will be unsupported soon and will become obsolete. Here's a detailed example on how to create userevent script