NetworkX largest connected component sharing attributes

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I know there exist functions for computing the size of the connected components of a graph in NetworkX. You can add attributes to a node. In Axelrod's model for dissemination of culture, an interesting measurement is the size of the largest connected component whose nodes share several attributes. Is there a way of doing that in NetworkX? For example, let's say we have a population represented through a network. Each node has attributes of hair color and skin color. How can I get the size of the largest component of nodes such that in that subgraph each and every node has the same hair and skin color? Thank you


There are 1 best solutions below


For general data analysis, it's best to use pandas. Use a graph library like networkx or graph-tool to determine the connected components, and then load that info into a DataFrame that you can analyze. In this case, the pandas groupby and nunique (number of unique elements) features will be useful.

Here's a self-contained example using graph-tool (using this network). You could also compute the connected components via networkx.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import graph_tool.all as gt

# Download an example graph
g = gt.collection.ns["baseball", 'user-provider']

# Extract the player names
names = g.vertex_properties['name'].get_2d_array([0])[0]

# Extract connected component ID for each node
cc, cc_sizes = gt.label_components(g)

# Load into a DataFrame
players = pd.DataFrame({
    'id': np.arange(g.num_vertices()),
    'name': names,
    'cc': cc.a

# Create some random attributes
players['hair'] = np.random.choice(['purple', 'pink'], size=len(players))
players['skin'] = np.random.choice(['green', 'blue'], size=len(players))

# For the sake of this example, manipulate the data so
# that some groups are homogenous with respect to some attributes.
players.loc[players['cc'] == 2, 'hair'] = 'purple'
players.loc[players['cc'] == 2, 'skin'] = 'blue'

players.loc[players['cc'] == 4, 'hair'] = 'pink'
players.loc[players['cc'] == 4, 'skin'] = 'green'

# Now determine how many unique hair and skin colors we have in each group.
group_stats = players.groupby('cc').agg({
    'hair': 'nunique',
    'skin': ['nunique', 'size']

# Simplify the column names
group_stats.columns = ['hair_colors', 'skin_colors', 'player_count']

# Select homogenous groups, i.e. groups for which only 1 unique
# hair color is present and 1 unique skin color is present
homogenous = group_stats.query('hair_colors == 1 and skin_colors == 1')

# Sort from large groups to small groups
homogenous = homogenous.sort_values('player_count', ascending=False)

That prints the following:

    hair_colors  skin_colors  player_count
4             1            1             4
2             1            1             3