nghttp2: Using server-sent events to be use by EventSource

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I'm using nghttp2 to implement a REST server which should use HTTP/2 and server-sent events (to be consumed by an EventSource in the browser). However, based on the examples it is unclear to me how to implement SSE. Using res.push() as in doesn't seem to be the right approach.

What would be the right way to do it? I'd prefer to use nghttp2's C++ API, but the C API would do as well.


There are 1 best solutions below


Yup, I did something like that back in 2018. The documentation was rather sparse :).

First of all, ignore response::push because that's the HTTP2 push -- something for proactively sending unsolicited objects to the client before it requests them. I know it sounds like what you need, but it is not -- the typical use case would be proactively sending a CSS file and some images along with the originally requested HTML page.

The key thing is that your end() callback must eventually return NGHTTP2_ERR_DEFERRED whenever you run out of data to send. When your application somehow obtains more data to be sent, call http::response::resume().

Here's a simple code. Build it as g++ -std=c++17 -Wall -O3 -ggdb clock.cpp -lssl -lcrypto -pthread -lnghttp2_asio -lspdlog -lfmt. Be careful, modern browsers don't do HTTP/2 over a plaintext socket, so you'll need to reverse-proxy it via something like nghttpx -f '*,8080;no-tls' -b '::1,10080;;proto=h2'.

#include <boost/asio/io_service.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
#include <chrono>
#include <list>
#include <nghttp2/asio_http2_server.h>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include <thread>

using namespace nghttp2::asio_http2;
using namespace std::literals;

using Signal = boost::signals2::signal<void(const std::string& message)>;

class Client {
    const server::response& res;
    enum State {
    std::atomic<State> state;

    std::list<std::string> queue;
    mutable std::mutex mtx;
    boost::signals2::scoped_connection subscription;

    size_t send_chunk(uint8_t* destination, std::size_t len, uint32_t* data_flags [[maybe_unused]])
        std::size_t written{0};
        std::lock_guard lock{mtx};
        if (state != HasEvents) throw std::logic_error{std::to_string(__LINE__)};
        while (!queue.empty()) {
            auto num = std::min(queue.front().size(), len - written);
            std::copy_n(queue.front().begin(), num, destination + written);
            written += num;
            if (num < queue.front().size()) {
                queue.front() = queue.front().substr(num);
                spdlog::debug("{} send_chunk: partial write", (void*)this);
                return written;
            spdlog::debug("{} send_chunk: sent one event", (void*)this);
        state = WaitingForEvents;
        return written;

    Client(const server::request& req, const server::response& res, Signal& signal)
    : res{res}
    , state{WaitingForEvents}
    , subscription{signal.connect([this](const auto& msg) {
        spdlog::warn("{}: {} {} {}", (void*)this, boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(req.remote_endpoint()), req.method(), req.uri().raw_path);
        res.write_head(200, {{"content-type", {"text/event-stream", false}}});

    void onClose(const uint32_t ec)
        spdlog::error("{} onClose", (void*)this);

    ssize_t process(uint8_t* destination, std::size_t len, uint32_t* data_flags)
        spdlog::trace("{} process", (void*)this);
        switch (state) {
        case HasEvents:
            return send_chunk(destination, len, data_flags);
        case WaitingForEvents:
            return NGHTTP2_ERR_DEFERRED;

    void enqueue(const std::string& what)
            std::lock_guard lock{mtx};
            queue.push_back("data: " + what + "\n\n");
        state = HasEvents;

int main(int argc [[maybe_unused]], char** argv [[maybe_unused]])

    Signal sig;
    std::thread timer{[&sig]() {
        for (int i = 0; /* forever */; ++i) {
            spdlog::info("tick: {}", i);
            sig("ping #" + std::to_string(i));

    server::http2 server;

    server.handle("/events", [&sig](const server::request& req, const server::response& res) {
        auto client = std::make_shared<Client>(req, res, sig);

        res.on_close([client](const auto ec) {
        res.end([client](uint8_t* destination, std::size_t len, uint32_t* data_flags) {
            return client->process(destination, len, data_flags);

    server.handle("/", [](const auto& req, const auto& resp) {
        spdlog::warn("{} {} {}", boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(req.remote_endpoint()), req.method(), req.uri().raw_path);
        resp.write_head(200, {{"content-type", {"text/html", false}}});
        resp.end(R"(<html><head><title>nghttp2 event stream</title></head>
<body><h1>events</h1><ul id="x"></ul>
<script type="text/javascript">
const ev = new EventSource("/events");
ev.onmessage = function(event) {
  const li = document.createElement("li");
  li.textContent =;

    boost::system::error_code ec;
    if (server.listen_and_serve(ec, "::", "10080")) {
        return 1;
    return 0;

I have a feeling that my queue handling is probably too complex. When testing via curl, I never seem to run out of buffer space. In other words, even if the client is not reading any data from the socket, the library keep invoking send_chunk, asking for up to 16kB of data at a time for me. Strange. I have no idea how it works when pushing more data more heavily.

My "real code" used to have a third state, Closed, but I think that blocking events via on_close is enough here. However, I think you never want to enter send_chunk if the client has already disconnected, but before the destructor gets called.