ngrx effect doesn't run if the action is dispatched from another module

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So here's what i'm trying to do.

Under a lazy-loaded BookmarksModule feature module, i have an effect that listens to authActions.loginSuccess w/c is registered in a AuthModule w/c is not lazy-loaded.

  providedIn: 'root',
export class FavoriteEffects {
  getFavoriteAfterLogin$ = createEffect(
    () => {
      return this.actions$.pipe(
        map(() => favoriteActions.getFavorites())

Here's how the authActions.loginSuccess is dispatched.

loginCallback$ = createEffect(() => {
  return this.actions$.pipe(
    exhaustMap(() =>
        map(currentUser => authActions.loginSuccess({ currentUser })),
        catchError(error =>
          of(authActions.loginFailure({ error: error?.error?.message }))

loginSuccessRedirect$ = createEffect(
  () => {
    return this.actions$.pipe(
      tap(() => this.router.navigate([this.redirects.login.success]))
  { dispatch: false }

As you can see, when authActions.loginSuccess is dispatched, it's correctly intercepted by loginSuccessRedirect$ within the same class but this actions is not intercepted within a lazy-loaded module?

This is the screenshot of the actions in ngrx store devtools enter image description here

It seems like the update-reducers action for the feature module is dispatched AFTER the loginSuccess action has already been dispatched.

How do i fix this one?


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