ngx-extended-pdf-viewer working in developpement mode but not in prod

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I use ngx-extended-pdf-viewer to display pdf files from API 9(blob), everythink work fine in localhost, but after deployment, the file is not displayed I get this error

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' main.8d7f0b54d7450531.js:1 If you see the error message "expected expression, got '='" above: you can safely ignore it as long as you know what you're doing. It means your browser is out-of-date. Please update your browser to benefit from the latest security updates and to enjoy a faster PDF viewer. main.8d7f0b54d7450531.js:1 Using the ES5 version of the PDF viewer. Your PDF files show faster if you update your browser. /assets/pdf-2.16.450-es5.min.js:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'

enter image description here

code :





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I use the latest version of ngx-extended-pdf-viewer, angular 14 Browser google chrome latest update


There are 2 best solutions below


you haven't closed your opening tag:


with a ">"


I have this same problem. I have narrowed it down to the fact that our organization's web servers don't have the .mjs (Module Javascript) extension set up with a MIME Type. Therefore the server doesn't serve up the files used by ngx-extended-pdf-viewer.

The MIME Type should be Text/Javascript.

This can be proved by running http-server locally to run my site. It (and GitHub pages) have the correct MIME Types setup and recognize/serve up the files.

Hopefully I can get our server folks to add this in short order.

Good luck on your end.
