Nintendo DSi SDK : Getting Started

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Does anyone have a good starting point for learning about development for the new Nintendo DSi? What kind of hardware do you need to develop and test something like this? Can you develop for the DSi using the standard DS? What language do you need to use?

[Bonus Question] : I also heard the new DSi is going to get an App Store similar to Apple - Are developers going to be able to sell games using this?


There are 4 best solutions below


As far as I know, the only legitimate way to get the Nintendo DS/DSi development kit is to get it straight from Nintendo--requiring you to have a lot of money and preferably a signed contract with a large game publisher. This is the case with all of the major game consoles, with the possible exception of the Xbox 360 and the XNA framework. I don't foresee them changing their business model soon; controlling the SDK ensures that the hardware manufacturers will get their cut of the profits for any game that's released for their console.

If you'd like to get an idea of what DS programming is like, there are some "unofficial" (read: hacked and breaking license agreements) homebrew DS programming environments. Searching Google for "DS Homebrew" will probably turn up a lot of information.

For what it's worth, most development for game consoles, the DS included, is done in C or C++.


If you want to get started now. Grab a DS 'homebrew' cart; M3, Acekard, Cyclowiz, R4 etc

Checking now, Acekard ( already have a DSi compatible card. I am sure there are others already. Technically there is no change between DS and DSi for the Slot 1 cartridges (fully compatable), all the extra features are related to the camera, connectivity and ability to run from the SD card.

For more info on the Dev part, check out the forums of; They also have (as the name suggests) a DS emulator for download.

Bonus: Based on past record, the chance Nintendo will open up the NDi for dev is slim to none. I think there was talk about it on the Wii via WiiWare, but there has been nothing new on that area for a long time. Just releases from known/established companies.


I tried developing on the DS a while back. From what I remember, DevKitPro had an ARM library you could use. I worked mostly with Func-C, but C++ is supported. Technically, I think you can program on anything that has a compiler for the ARM architecture.

I'm looking to get into it again when the DSi is launched in Canada. The faster processor, persistent storage and more memory should produce some sweet home-brew.


If you just want to do a little DS development for fun, the devkitPro homebrew kit is reasonably sophisticated at this point. Here is a link to a manual which gives an introduction to coding a simple game with this kit:

Sadly, if you want to get the official toolkit even to become a DSIware developer it looks like you have to have an established game company and cough up a few thousand bucks.