No results displayed when querying database

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I'm trying to create a searchable database using PHP and MySQL. I have a file called mission.html with the following code:

<form name="form1" method="post" action="mission1results.php" id="search">
 <input name="search" type="text"/>
<input type="submit" name="submit" vaule="Search"/>



include 'login.php';
$connection = mysqli_connect(
$db_hostname, $db_username,
$db_password, $db_database);

die("Database Connection Failed: " .
  mysqli_connect_error() .
  " (" . mysqli_connect_errno() . ")"
$q_cond = mysqli_real_escape_string($_GET['search']);

$query="SELECT * From Merchant Where MerchantName='".$q_cond."'";


if ($result===false)
    die("Database Query Failed!")

while ($row=mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){
    echo "MerchantName: ".$row["MerchantName"].",";
    echo "<hr/>";


When I hit submit and type in anything in the searchbar nothing appears. I don't get an error, I don't get results, its all blank. Can anyone tell me why this is?


There are 4 best solutions below


If you are getting a blank screen with the errors pointed out in previous answers you might want to take a look at the PHP error_reporting level on your system You should be seeing PHP errors, on a development server I like to report PHP errors, warnings and notices.

Also, are you expecting users to enter an exact search term? You might want to consider something like:

$query="SELECT * From `Merchant` Where `MerchantName` like '%".$q_cond."%'";

You have a syntax error in mission1results.php

if ($result===false)
    die("Database Query Failed!")

must be changed for:

if ($result===false)
    die("Database Query Failed!");

First and foremost: mysqli_real_escape_string() requires a DB connection be passed, then there is your form where you are using a POST method in the form and GET for your query.

Consult the manual:

$q_cond = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection,$_POST['search']);

Plus, change

if ($result===false)
    die("Database Query Failed!")


if ($result===false)
    die("Database Query Failed!");

You also have a syntax error vaule="Search" change it to value

Add error reporting to the top of your file(s) which will help find errors.

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

// rest of your code

Sidenote: Error reporting should only be done in staging, and never production.

Also or die(mysqli_error($connection)) to mysqli_query() to find any possible errors.

  1. Instead $_GET['search'] use $_POST['search'] because your submit forms method is post.

  2. One of mysqli_real_escape_string parameters should be DB connection.

  3. syntax errors in HTML, for example, vaule="Search"

  4. syntax errors in PHP, for example, there shoudn't be ; after } in if