No results from Partcover with MSTest

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I am trying to get to grips with Partcover for possible integration with a build machine.

I am running Partcover in the command line with the following command:

PartCover.exe --settings settings.xml --output results.xml

My settings.xml was generated automatically using Partcover.Browser, and looks as follows:

    <Target>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe</Target>

S:\Work\Solution is the root directory of the solution.

When I run this in the command line the tests all run and pass, but nothing happens after Test Settings: Default Test Settings is displayed in the command line. No results.xml file is created and I can see no evidence of any sort of code coverage analysis.

Is it something simple I'm missing in the settings file? Or is this a more complicated problem?

Edit: Using Partcover version 2.2.36423


There are 1 best solutions below


As I mentioned in the comments I suspect you are using a very old version of partcover which does not have .NET4 support.

In addition you will find that using the /noisolation switch would be useful should just upgrading to the latest version not work.

You may also find that OpenCover will work better than PartCover as it has 32 and 64 bit support as well as supporting .NET2 and .NET4 - and copes much better with target processes that spin off more processes to do the actual testing.