No view found for id "bla bla bla" for grammatically created framlayout

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I am creating a framelayout pro-grammatically. Then I create fragment pro-grammatically..Then I want to add the fragment to the framelayout.. this process is happens every time when I click the button. For the framelayout id and fragment tag I created a integer increment variable("id" is initiated as to "0" when beginning)..

When very time I click the button new framelayout with new id create, create fragment with new tag, fragement is added to that framelayout...And contentious overlapping views..

Here below my code,

public void add_tab(View view)
    String b = String.valueOf(id);
    tab_frame = new FrameLayout(this);
    FrameLayout.LayoutParams layoutparams = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL|Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL);
    tab_frame.setId (id);

    FragmentManager fragment_manager1 = getSupportFragmentManager ();                         // fragment manager for dealing with fragments
    frag_one frag_one_obj = new frag_one();                                                   // creating a onj of fragment "frag_one"
    FragmentTransaction fr_transaction = fragment_manager1.beginTransaction ();
    fr_transaction.add (tab_frame.getId (),frag_one_obj,b);
    fr_transaction.addToBackStack ("Fragment Add");
    fr_transaction.commit ();
    frag_one_obj.setArguments (bundle);
    tab_frame.setVisibility (View.VISIBLE);

When I debug I am getting this error in logcat,

No view found for id 0x1 (unknown) for fragment frag_one{42bb0cc8 (d45032ae-5aa4-485f-87a6-da20f3d5ce1f) id=0x1 1}

Idon't know why that happens..I am already creating framelayout and assign a id for that..But this error tells there is no view assgned to this perticular id, so Fragment can't be added..

Pls help me.. Thanks in advance..


There are 1 best solutions below


You need to add the created FrameLayout as child of your hosting view. Otherwise it is attached no where. That's why the view is not being find with it's id.