I'm using this wonderful sync module, synchronize.js - http://alexeypetrushin.github.io/synchronize/docs/index.html.
I've run into a situation where I have to get the return value of the sync'd function into the scope outside of the fiber. Here's a basic example of what I'm talking about:
var records = sync.fiber(function() {
var results = ... // some synchronized function
return results;
Whereas records
would, in theory, contain the value of results
from within the fiber scope. I've been reading up on futures (fibers/futures module) and how they might be used in this situation but I have yet to come up with anything close to working. I'd love some direction and/or a solution.
For a more thorough example of what I'm looking to accomplish:
// executes a stored procedure/function
exec: function (statement, parameters) {
var request = new sql.Request(),
processParams(parameters, request);
var res = sync.fiber(function(){
try {
var result = sync.await(request.execute(statement, sync.defers('recordsets', 'returnValue')));
results = result.recordsets.length > 0 ? result.recordsets[0] : [];
return results;
catch (e) {
console.log('error:connection:exec(): ' + e);
// though typical scope rules would mean that `results` has a
// value here, it's actually undefined.
// in theory, `res` would contain the return value from the `sync.fiber` callback
// which is our result set.
return res;
As you can see here, what I'd like to accomplish is to get the value of results
in the primary scope, from the fiber's scope.
Now it does support it, use following form