Not able to get sorting event from IgniteUI / igniteui-angular grid

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I need to apply alphanumeric sorting on grid but not able to get sorting event from grid.


There are 1 best solutions below


There are three event emitters that can be used, topic on the subject.

  • sorting - emitted before sorting expressions are applied

  • sortingDone - Emitted after sorting is completed

    <igx-grid #grid [data]="localData" [autoGenerate]="true" (sortingDone)="sortingDone($event)">

  • sortingExpressionsChange - Emitted before sorting is performed

Sorting is performed using the DefaultSortingStrategy algorithm. Any IgxColumnCOmponent or ISortingExpression can use a custom implementation of the ISortingStrategy.

You can define your own sorting strategy by extending the default one or by implementing ISortingStrategy:

  1. Example with CustomSortingStrategy
export class CustomSortingStrategy extends DefaultSortingStrategy {

const strategy = CustomSortingStrategy.instance();

grid.sort({fieldName: 'Name', dir: SortingDirection.Asc, ignoreCase: true, strategy: CustomSortingStrategy.instance()});
  1. Example with ISortingStrategy implementation:

export class SortByParityComponent implements ISortingStrategy {
    public sort(data: any[], fieldName: string, dir: SortingDirection) {
        const key = fieldName;
        const reverse = (dir === SortingDirection.Desc ? -1 : 1);
        const cmpFunc = (obj1, obj2) => this.compareObjects(obj1, obj2, key, reverse);
        return data.sort(cmpFunc);
    protected sortByParity(a: any, b: any) {
        return a % 2 === 0 ? -1 : b % 2 === 0 ? 1 : 0;
    protected compareObjects(obj1, obj2, key: string, reverse: number) {
        const a = obj1[key];
        const b = obj2[key];
        return reverse * this.sortByParity(a, b);

    fieldName: 'ID',
    dir: SortingDirection.Desc,
    ignoreCase: false,
    strategy: new SortByParityComponent()

Here you can find a working sample with CustomSortingStrategy.