I am using Windows 10 and running the code in Jupyter Notebook (in Chrome).

This is my code:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import itertools
    MOD03_path = r"C:\Users\saviosebastian\MYD03.A2008001.0000.006.2012066122450.hdf"
    MOD06_path = r"C:\Users\saviosebastian\MYD06_L2.A2008001.0000.006.2013341193524.hdf"   
    satellite = 'Aqua'

    yr = [2008]
    mn = [1]  #np.arange(1,13) 
    dy = [1] 

    # latitude and longtitude boundaries of level-3 grid
    lat_bnd = np.arange(-90,91,1)
    lon_bnd = np.arange(-180,180,1)
    nlat = 180
    nlon = 360

    TOT_pix      = np.zeros(nlat*nlon)
    CLD_pix      = np.zeros(nlat*nlon)

    ### To use Spark in Python
    spark = SparkSession\
    for y,m,d in  itertools.product(yr,mn,dy):
        #-------------find the MODIS prodcts--------------#
        date = datetime.datetime(y,m,d)
        JD01, JD02 = gcal2jd(y,1,1)
        JD1, JD2 = gcal2jd(y,m,d)
        JD = np.int((JD2+JD1)-(JD01+JD02) + 1)
        granule_time = datetime.datetime(y,m,d,0,0)
        while granule_time <= datetime.datetime(y,m,d,23,55):  # 23,55
            print('granule time:',granule_time)
            **[MOD03_fp = 'MYD03.A{:04d}{:03d}.{:02d}{:02d}.006.?????????????.hdf'.format(y,JD,granule_time.hour,granule_time.minute)][1]**
            MOD06_fp = 'MYD06_L2.A{:04d}{:03d}.{:02d}{:02d}.006.?????????????.hdf'.format(y,JD,granule_time.hour,granule_time.minute)
            MOD03_fn, MOD06_fn =[],[]
            for MOD06_flist in  os.listdir(MOD06_path):
                if fnmatch.fnmatch(MOD06_flist, MOD06_fp):
                    MOD06_fn = MOD06_flist
            for MOD03_flist in  os.listdir(MOD03_path):
                if fnmatch.fnmatch(MOD03_flist, MOD03_fp):
                    MOD03_fn = MOD03_flist
            if MOD03_fn and MOD06_fn: # if both MOD06 and MOD03 products are in the directory           

I am getting the following error:


Do you know any solution to this problem?


There are 2 best solutions below


You are giving the full path along with file name. The os.listdir(path) method in python is used to get the list of all files and directories in the specified directory. If we don’t specify any directory, then list of files and directories in the current working directory will be returned.

You can just write "C:/Users/saviosebastian" in path. Same goes for os.chdir("C:/Users/saviosebastian").


I can't give you a specific answer without knowledge of the directory system on your computer, but for now it's obvious that there is something wrong with the name of the directory that you are referencing. Use File Explorer to make sure that the directory actually exists, and also make sure that you haven't misspelled the name of the file, which could easily happen given the filename.