I have a simple utility that recursively scans a directory (using NtQueryInformationFile(FileBothDirectoryInformation)) and calculates various stats. It normally gets executed against various SMB shares (hosted on Win12 servers).

In particular it calculates total-bytes (using FILE_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION::EndOfFile field).

Normally all subdirs are reported as having size 0, but if I rerun my utility within 5 seconds (since previous run) -- some subdirs are reported to have size 4096. If I count to 5 before rerunning utility -- everything is ok. This leads to unstable results and unwanted alarm.

All affected dirs seemingly have same thing in common -- each one:

  • either contains Thumbs.db file
  • or is a parent of directory containing Thumbs.db file
    • ... but not always -- sometimes parent dir size is stable 0


  1. Why does this happen and why 5 seconds?
  2. How to avoid this? Should I always treat subdirs as "using zero bytes"?

P.S. Same happens with FILE_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION::AllocationSize field.


There are 1 best solutions below


I'm thinking the SMB client is doing some local caching of the directories and using the "default data stream" to store information relating to the caching and that is what you are seeing.

I'd think that you should simply ignore allocation sizes on directories.