I am trying to rebalance an AVL tree upon deletion but I get a null pointer error. The error I observed from running the debugger and placing a print statement comes from the balance method. It throws a NullPointerException when I attempt to get difference of height. When inserting into the AVL tree I used the same approach and I was able to balance the tree. But when when trying to delete, I get a NullPointerException. I tested the case when I insert 50, 60, 40 and 20 as this is already a balanced tree. When I tried deleting 60, I got a NullPointerException when trying to rebalance the tree after deleting 60. What did I do wrong?
code: AVLTree.java
public void delete(T data){
root = delete(root, data); //error line 130
private AVLNode<T> delete(AVLNode<T> root, T data){
return root;
root.setLeftChild(delete(root.getLeftChild(), data));
//error line 140 when attempting to delete 60
else if(data.compareTo(root.getData())>0){
root.setRightChild(delete(root.getRightChild(), data));
else if(root.getLeftChild()==null){
root = root.getRightChild();
else if(root.getRightChild()==null){
root = root.getLeftChild();
T value = findMin(root.getRightChild());
root.setRightChild(delete(root.getRightChild(), root.getData()));
root = rebalance(root);
updateHeight(root); //error AVLTree.java line 160
return root;
//gets the difference of the left and right node.
private int balance(AVLNode<T> root) {
return getHeight(root.getLeftChild())-getHeight(root.getRightChild()); //get null pointer exception when attempting to get the difference..
//updates the height of the tree.
private void updateHeight(AVLNode<T> root){
if((root.getLeftChild()==null) && (root.getRightChild()!=null)){
//highlights error here:AVLTree.java line 251
else if((root.getLeftChild() !=null)&&(root.getRightChild()==null)){
root.setHeight(Math.max(getHeight(root.getLeftChild()), getHeight(root.getRightChild()))+1);
//re-balances the tree.
private AVLNode<T> rebalance(AVLNode<T> root){
int difference = balance(root);
if (difference > 1){
root = rotateRight(root);
root = rotateLeftRight(root);
else if(difference < -1){
root = rotateLeft(root);
root = rotateRightLeft(root);
return root;
Exception message:
at avl.AVLTree.updateHeight(AVLTree.java:251)
at avl.AVLTree.delete(AVLTree.java:160)
at avl.AVLTree.delete(AVLTree.java:140)
at avl.AVLTree.delete(AVLTree.java:130)
at avl.Test.main(Test.java:28)
Error Test.java:128 is when i call the method tree.delete(60);
Below is my solution. I forgot to catch the exception if root's leftChild or rightChild was null. Thanks to @stvcisco for catching the error.
right before calling the rebalance method.