numpy.repeat() to create block-diagonal indices?

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I am trying to figure out how to speed up the following Python code.
Basically, the code builds the matrix of outter products of a matrix C and stores it as block diagonal sparse matrix.
I use numpy.repeat() to build indices into the block diagonal.
Profiling the code revealed that calls to numpy.repeat() take about 50 % of the execution time.

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as spspar

L = 1000
K = 100
C = np.random.randn(L,K)

# From the matrix of outter products of C and store in block_diagonal 
# sparse matrix
CCt = np.einsum('ij...,i...->ij...',C,C)

# create indices into the block diagonal sparse coo matrix
i = np.tile(np.tile(np.arange(K),K),L) + K*np.repeat(np.arange(L),K*K)
j = np.tile(np.repeat(np.arange(K),K),L) + K*np.repeat(np.arange(L),K*K)

# store as block diagonal sparse coo matrix
BlckCCt = spspar.coo_matrix((CCt.flatten(),(j,i)),shape=(K*K*L,K*K*L))

Initially, I was building the sparse matrix as follows

BlckCCt = spspar.block_diag(CCt,"coo")

This is waay too slow and memory intensive.

Thanks for any input.

Edit: I compared @hjpaul's suggestions using ipython timeit. Here's what I can report

timeit K*np.repeat(np.arange(L),K*K)
10 loops, best of 3: 82.1 ms per loop

timeit (np.zeros((K*K,),int)+np.arange(L)[:,None]).flatten()*K
10 loops, best of 3: 89.9 ms per loop

timeit np.tile(np.arange(L)*K,K*K).reshape(K*K,L).T.flatten()
10 loops, best of 3: 85.5 ms per loop

So it looks like they all take about the same amount (I'm new to ipython profiling so perhaps I'm not comparing them the right way).


There are 1 best solutions below


Just for reference, your

CCt = np.einsum('ij...,i...->ij...',C,C)

is the same as


producing a (L,K,K) array. For my smaller test case np.einsum is 2x faster.

sparse.block_diag converts each submatrix to coo, and passes them to sparse.bmat. bmat collects the rows, cols, data of all the sub matrices into a big arrays similar to your j, i, and calls coo_matrix with those.

Doing ipython timeit on various pieces, I agree that K*np.repeat(np.arange(L),K*K) is the slowest block of code. Much slower, for example, than the tile piece.

Since you are doing the same repeat for i and j, can't you do it just once, and use that variable twice?

kk= K*np.repeat(np.arange(L),K*K)
ii=np.tile(np.tile(np.arange(K),K),L) + kk
jj=np.tile(np.repeat(np.arange(K),K),L) + kk

I'll look at that piece some more, but that's a start.

Here's a slight improvement (20%) on the repeat:


even better (>2x)


I moved *K to the smaller arange(L), and use faster tile. .T.flatten takes care of changing the order.

As per comment, the reshape should be (K*K,L). I was testing with values where that didn't matter. And relative speeds of these alternatives vary with the relative sizes of K and L.

The tiling for the first part of i and j is optional, if kk (the 2nd part) is shape (L,K,K) (like CCt). Whether it saves time is unclear. Striding is more complicated than with the fully tiled version (0,4,0) v. (4,).)

i = (np.arange(K)[None,None,:] + kk.reshape(L,K,K)).flatten()
j = (np.arange(K)[None,:,None] + kk.reshape(L,K,K)).flatten()

we could do the same with kk

k1 = K*np.arange(L)[:,None,None]

np.arange(K)[None,None,:] + k1 is (L,1,K), so we need to tile it

i = np.tile( np.arange(K)[None,None,:] + k1, (1,K,1)).flatten()
j = np.tile( np.arange(K)[None,:,None] + k1, (1,1,K)).flatten()

Another way to generate these arrays would be to use np.ix_ to reshape the ranges, and then just sum values.

i = np.sum(np.ix_(K*np.arange(L), np.arange(K), np.zeros(K)))
j = np.sum(np.ix_(K*np.arange(L), np.zeros(K), np.arange(K)))

(add .flatten as needed). I've tested this on small dimensions and it looks right. I don't know about speed.