OCMockito / OCHamcrest verify array contains object property

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I'm creating an application which adds some local notifications. This is my test

- (void)testFirstLogin {

//some initials array
NSArray *withoutFriends = @[@"a", @"b", @"c", @"e", @"f"];
NSArray *withFriends = @[@"v", @"w", @"x", @"y", @"z"];

//my service which add local notifications
LocalNotificationService *service = [LocalNotificationService sharedInstance];
service.lastLoginDate = nil;

//UIApplication mock
UIApplication *application = mock([UIApplication class]);
service.applictation = application;

//method which adds notifications
[service addNotificationScheduleFirstLoginWithNoFriendsArray:withoutFriends friendsExistArray:withFriends];

//In this method I create UILocalNotification
 UILocalNotification *localNotification = [[UILocalNotification alloc] init];
 localNotification.alertBody = text;

//and add it to schedule
//[self.applictation scheduleLocalNotification:localNotification];

[verifyCount(application, times(1)) scheduleLocalNotification:anything()]; }

This is correct and verification is success. But I need verify if my UILocalNotification object property alertBody is in withoutFriends array. Is there a way for this ?


There are 1 best solutions below


There is a matcher isIn which I see is missing from the README. Together with the hasProperty matcher, we can write:

[verifyCount(application, times(1)) scheduleLocalNotification:hasProperty(@"alertBody", isIn(withoutFriends))];