OctoberCMS Validation issue for required but dependent field with asterisk

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I am using OctoberCMS and I have used Builder plugin to create one of my plugins called as Properties which works fine so far.

The Thing is, I have 2 fields called as authority and auction_date.

authority is a drop-down field which has options like auction and etc.. whereas auction_date is simple a date field.

auction_date field depends on authority field and it is required only if authority field has a selected value called as auction and authority field is not required at the same time. Hence I put below code in my Property plugin's model file.

Model File - Property.php

public $rules = [
        'auction_date' => 'required_if:authority,==,auction',

This works well, I am able to validate my auction_date field if authority drop-down's value selected auction from the list.

However, here basically auction_date is not a required field by default. It is dependent field of authority.

Yet the field showing asterisk(*) beside this field when I load the page. Here below how it looks like.

enter image description here

I have tried to update my plugin's fields.yaml file my putting below code.

            label: 'Auction Date:'
            oc.commentPosition: ''
            mode: date
            span: auto
            type: datepicker
            tab: 'Address Information'
            required: false 

This code required: false did not work for me.

I came across the solution to update below system library files.

  • modules/backend/classes/FormField.php
  • modules/backend/widgets/Form.php

And doing this, Field definition should override magic.

But frankly, I do not want to mess with any system file here. It would be ideal if I can find some solution which can deal this thing inside one of plugin files.

If someone guide me to accomplish this, it would be awesome.

Thanks in advance.


There are 1 best solutions below


You can wait for the next release or override the method used to determine if something is required.

public function filterFields($fields)
    $fields->auction_date->required = false;