omit template parameter (for function pointer argument)

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I'm writing template factory that stores function pointer to create user objects.
I would like to support user Creation function with and without argument (for now, one or zero argument will do). (and i can't use boost or c11 unfortunately )

template< typename T, typename K, typename D >
//T (Type) is a polymorphic type
//K (Key) should have operator < and be copyable
//D (Data argument for creator function) can be copyable
class Factory
    typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<T> shared_ptr;
    //auto gen Ctor and Dtor

    inline void Add( const K& key_, T* (*CreatorFunc)(D) );
    inline shared_ptr Create(const K& key_, const D& initData_ ) const;

    std::map<K, T* (*)(D) > m_creator;

I would love it if the user can use it like this:

class c1
    explicit c1(const string& st);

class c2
    explicit c2();

c1* CreateC1(const string& st){ return new c1(st);}
c2* CreateC2(){ return new c2;}

//Factory<type, key, arguments>
Factory<c1, int, string> f;
f.Add(0, CreateC1);
f.Create(0, "string Arg");

//Factory<type, key>
Factory<c2, int> f2;
f2.Add(0, CreateC2);

i did manage to get this to work with some ugly template specialization. i feel like i'm going at it the wrong way.

my solution:

class EmptyClass {};
template< typename T, typename K, typename D = EmptyClass>
class Factory
    typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<T> shared_ptr;

    inline void Add( const K& key_, T* (*CreatorFunc)(D) );
    inline shared_ptr Create(const K& key_, const D& initData_ ) const;

    std::map<K, T* (*)(D) > m_creator;

template< typename T, typename K >
class Factory<T, K, EmptyClass >
    typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<T> shared_ptr;

    inline void Add( const K& key_, T* (*CreatorFunc)() );
    inline shared_ptr Create(const K& key_) const;
    std::map<K, T* (*)() > m_creator;

feel free to criticize anything else if you wany


There are 1 best solutions below


If you can use variadic template maybe this would work for you:

template< typename R, typename K, typename...Args>
class Factory
    using func_ptr = R*(*)(const Args & ...);
    using return_ptr = std::shared_ptr<R>;

    inline void Add(const K& key_, func_ptr value);
    inline return_ptr Create(const K& key_, Args... initData_) const;

    std::map<K, func_ptr> m_creator;

A possible implementation might look like this:

template< typename R, typename K, typename...Args>
class Factory
    using func_ptr = R*(*)(const Args & ...);
    using return_ptr = std::shared_ptr<R>;

    inline void Add(const K& key_, func_ptr value)
        if (value != nullptr)
            m_creator[key_] = value;

    inline return_ptr Create(const K& key_, Args... initData_) const 
        auto iter = m_creator.find(key_);
        if (iter == m_creator.end())
            return return_ptr(nullptr);
        return return_ptr(iter->second(initData_...));

    std::map<K, func_ptr> m_creator;