One-way WCF call using netTcpBinding: add OneWayBindingElement through configuration

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I want to implement a one-way, fire-and-forget call from an ASP.NET application to a WCF service (hosted in a Windows Service). It's a long-running operation at the service-side (otherwise I would just do it inside the ASP.NET application) so the client (channel) should not remain open until the action completes.

However trivial a scenario this may seem, I've been searching for a graceful solution for hours and can't really find anything to my liking. There are a couple of SO questions and blog posts about it, and it seems there are two possible solutions:

  1. Use a message queue as communication layer, as suggested here.
  2. Use OneWayBindingElement, as suggested here.

I would rather not use Message Queues, installing these on the server environment is too much overhead.

That leaves adding OneWayBindingElement. But all examples I found do this in code, which I would rather not do because that rules out using the Visual Studio WcfSvcHost. Is it possible to extend my netTcpBinding with this infamous OneWayBindingElement through configuration ?

For completeness, here are the key parts in my code:

Service Interfce

public interface ICalculationService
    [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
    void StartTask(TaskType type);

    [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
    void AbortTask(TaskType type);

Service Implementation

    ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple, 
    InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall)]
public class CalculationService : ICalculationService
    // ...

    public void StartTask(TaskType type)
        // ...

Client code, inside controller

public class SourcesController
    public ActionResult Upload(UploadFilesVM files)
        // ...

        using(var svcClient = GetSvcClientInstance())

        // ...

        return RedirectToAction("Progress");

    private CalculationServiceClient GetSvcClientInstance()
        var client = new CalculationServiceClient();
        client.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new SatBehavior(Context));
        return client;

Service configuration

    <service name="...CalculationService">
                <add baseAddress="http://localhost:8732/PLU0006B/"/>
                <add baseAddress="net.tcp://localhost:8733/PLU0006B/"/>
            contract="....ICalculationService" />

        <binding name="SatOneWayBinding">
            <!-- I'm hoping I can configure 'OneWayBindingElement' here ? -->
            <security mode="None">

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