OneSignal with Angular 2

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My site is based on angular 2 and I want to show notification to user in the panel. So I used OneSignal for this purpose but there is a problem with it. when I added the OneSignal script the page content wont load and browser shows the blank page and when I remove the script of OneSignal everything is fine.

the load script which cause the problem :

<script src="" async='async'></script>

and the initialization of OneSignal inside component :

    var OneSignal = window['OneSignal'] || [];
    OneSignal.push(["init", {
        appId: "xxx-xxx-xxx",
        autoRegister: false, 
        subdomainName: '',   
        httpPermissionRequest: {
            enable: true
        notifyButton: {
            enable: true 


There are 1 best solutions below


You need to load OneSignalSDK script before zonejs otherwise see picture below enter image description here