Only One Product Variant added to Cart, and It's always the first one added to my db

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I'm setting up a simple online store with no user system - just a session following a cart. Currently, I am able to select a Product (could be thought of as a product category), and within that product page select a ProductVariant (product_variant_id) belonging to it.

The problem is that when I add different product_variants, only the first one that is saved to the db is ever added to the cart. I can select the product_variants in the dropdown, but again only the first one added to the db in my record is added to the cart as an order_item.

My relevant Models:


  has_many :product_variants, dependent: :destroy

  has_many :order_items, :through => :product_variants


  belongs_to :product
  has_many :order_items, dependent: :destroy


  belongs_to :order, optional: true
  belongs_to :cart, optional: true
  belongs_to :product_variant
  belongs_to :product


has_many :order_items

And here is my product show page in show.html.erb with the option to select a product_variant

<%= link_to products_path do %>
<h4>Back to store gallery</h4>
<% end %>

<section class="flexbox">
  <div class="flex">
      <%= image_tag %>
  <div class="flex">
      <h2><%= @product.title %></h2>

      <div class="product-description">
          <p><%= @product.description %></p>

<%= simple_form_for [@product, @product_variant, @order_item] do |f| %>
  <%= f.input :quantity %>

  <%= f.button :submit, "Add to cart" %>
<% end %>

Product selection: <br>
<select name="product[product_variant_id]">
    <% @product.product_variants.each do |product_variant| %>
        <option value="<%= %>"><%= product_variant.item %>/<%= product_variant.size %>/<%= product_variant.color %>/<%= number_to_currency product_variant.price_in_dollars %></option>
    <% end %>

Lastly, here is my order_items controller

class OrderItemsController < ApplicationController
  def create
    @product = Product.friendly.find(params[:product_id])
    # find the product_variant
    @product_variant = ProductVariant.find(params[:product_variant_id])
    # quantity? - comes from the form data
    @quantity = form_params[:quantity]
    @current_cart.order_items.create(product: @product, product_variant: @product_variant, quantity: @quantity)
    flash[:success] = "Thanks for adding to your cart"
    redirect_to product_path(@product)
  def update
    @product = Product.friendly.find(params[:product_id])
    @product_variant = ProductVariant.find(params[:product_variant_id])
    @order_item = OrderItem.find(params[:id])
    flash[:success] = "Thanks for updating your cart"
    redirect_to cart_path
  def destroy
    @product = Product.friendly.find(params[:product_id])
    @product_variant = ProductVariant.find(params[:product_variant_id])
    @order_item = OrderItem.find(params[:id])
    flash[:success] = "Product removed from cart"
    redirect_to cart_path
  def form_params

Thanks for any insight into what might be going wrong here, and please don't hesitate if you need me to provide any more relevant code, would be happy to.



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