OpenTBS - Content from MySQL as HTML

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I have setup OpenTBS to generate dynamically from my contacts database. Now I want to setup the actual content of the email to come from a MySQL table created using CKeditor or another WYSISYG JS editor.

I have been able to get the content to display on the outputted docx file but it is coming this as a straing with the html tags, I somehow need this to format so it comes though as it was put in by the client. I am only going to allow them to use the basics, paragrahs, bold, italics and maybe a few other tags.

Is this someway I can convert this html string to word copy / text? Or somehow have a different WYSIWYG editor to save it in MySQL as word code rather then html code.


It's not really relevant but below is the function that generates the OpenTBS document from a template and the database (I am using CakePHP) MailMerge.description is the body with the html code at the moment.

// -------------------------------------------------------------->
function mail_merge()

    $this->layout = null;
    $this->autoRender = FALSE;  

    // ------------------------------------------------------------->
    $contacts = $this->Contact->find('all', array('limit' => 20,  'contain' => FALSE));

    $content = $this->MailMerge->find('first', array(
                                                'conditions' => array('' => 1),
                                                'fields' => array('MailMerge.description')

    // Get a new instance of TBS with the OpenTBS plug-in
    // ------------------------------------------------------------->
     $otbs = $this->Tbs->getOpenTbs(); 

    // Load the template file
    // ------------------------------------------------------------->
    $otbs->LoadTemplate(APP . DS . WEBROOT_DIR . '/files/data_files/enquiry_letter_sample_redcliffe.docx');

    // Merge data in the template
    // ------------------------------------------------------------->
    $otbs->MergeBlock('r', $contacts);
    $otbs->MergeBlock('content', $content);

    // End the merge and export
    // ------------------------------------------------------------->
    $file_name = 'export.docx';
    $otbs->Show(OPENTBS_DOWNLOAD, $file_name);


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